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I could watch Taysom carry defenders on his back all day though, lol

#Saints #Falcons #NFL

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Jamie Raskin is the best. Simply the best.

Via Acyn:

#Raskin: They’re spreading disinformation about how it was really antifa and FBI agents which would make it strange to argue that all of these people should be released and trump is going to pardon them. Why would he want to pardon all of these antifa fighters? #Jan6 #Trump

“The presumption is you don't belong in this arena,” says Columbia’s Jelani Cobb of Claudine Gay’s forced resignation. “It’s bad faith that’s motivating it from the beginning,” says Princeton’s Eddie Glaude. #Velshi

First Wayne LaPierre, now this guy:

"A former top executive at the National Rifle Association, Joshua Powell, has admitted wrongdoing and agreed to pay $100,000 on the eve of a civil corruption trial of the organization's top executives set to begin on Monday."

January 6th was this generation's attack on democracy the way December 7th was an attack on democracy for my father's generation. Time to fight fascism again.

Today in Not A Drag Queen:

Kenneth Lynn Lamons, pastor of an independent baptist church in Tennessee, has been arrested for disgusting child rape crimes.

• rape of a child
• aggravated sexual battery
• continuous sexual abuse of a child

@AlliFlowers A block we can certainly get over, better than being banned or faded out by an admin, who believes defamatory claims of conspiracy theorists or agents of foreign adversaries pretending to be ordinary users like you & me.
Besides, some folks evidently never grew up or are just not old enough to have learned, that social media implicitly demand social behavior.

For future reference, I was just blocked because I disliked a child’s generalization of the term boomer. If you’re making a statement and wouldn’t substitute Black, Gay, Jewish, or Asian, then it’s wrong. Period.

Former Prez #DonaldTrump did not sign #Illinois’ loyalty oath when filing nomination papers for 2024. The oath, not mandatory, pledges he won't advocate for overthrow of gov.
That omission, days before the 3rd anniversary of #J6 #insurrection for which he's been criminally charged, is a departure from his candidacies of 2016 & 2020, which he signed both times

That's because he's planning 2 overthrow the gov.

The #Coup attempt continues...

#Jan6 #January6

@GottaLaff @PJ_Evans

But they're Christians, so they have to hew to the 1800 year long tradition that life begins at…
[checks notes]… quickening.

Somewhere between 16 to 20 weeks.

The idea being that this was the moment the soul enters the fetus, so the fetus goes WTF and kicks out.
It was only in mid 19th century this whole life at conception crap started.

🧵Via Clara Jeffery: 1/…

When I heard that #Scalise had multiple myeloma—which my dad died of—I wondered if he'd get stem cell treatment despite having voted & campaigned against stem cell therapy. My dad was too old for this option. Lucky for Scalise, hypocrisy is no barrier

Jake Sherman: STEVE SCALISE will be out of DC until Feb…getting a stem-cell transplant.

House GOP has 220-seat majority. Bill Johnson is out Jan. 21. After that, w Scalise out, GOP will have a bare bones 218-seat majority

Daughter was supposed to be coming to visit today, but an hour into her drive someone hydroplaned and broadsided her. No one was hurt, but she won’t be able to visit now. I’m just thankful she’s alright. The airbag on the passenger side deployed, and the fancy security features in her BME prevented her from pulling all the way off the interstate. Don’t know if that’s good or bad. No, her seats are not pink, but I think they’d look great if the y were. Also, the airbag looks like a giant penis.

The flagrantly demented rapist/traitor who your Republican relatives think should be the next President of the United States says we need to "get over" school shootings.

The Ohio lawmakers (all male) who wanted to have ectopic pregnancies "reimplanted" all need to have life-threatening tumors forcibly inserted into their persons, just for starters.

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This story about Yale removing "Israeli" from "Israeli Couscous" is nearly identical to when Air Canada called them "Pearl Pasta" when they were clearly Israeli Couscous (which isn't even couscous)

This is the Freedom Fries of Israeli erasure.

#Yale #AirCanada #IsraeliErasure #Israeli #IsraeliCouscous #CulturalErasure #FreedomFries

If you must know
what I accomplished
in 2023
I will tell you:
I survived it.

If you ask me
what I hope to accomplish
in 2024
I will tell you:
to survive it.

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