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Well the #Saints defense has certainly come alive now! Let’s keep the dirty birds off the scoreboard for the remainder of the game! #Saints #WhoDat #ATLvsNO

Constituents demand more than 'thoughts and prayers' from GOP senators. Americans are sick and tired of the never-ending gun violence. Email your Republican senator to make it clear: Their inaction is costing lives.

If refusing to say "genocide is bad" lead to her resignation, why doesn't @NikkiHaley's inability to state that slavery was the root cause of the Civil War have the same consequence?
Harvard President Claudine Gay Resigns

Prominent vaper/handjob artist Lauren Boebert, who is paid $174,000 a year by American taxpayers to do jackass stunts for Fox News, accused of domestic violence by her exhibitionist husband. I'm not sure the Republican party is sending its best.

Kudos to CBS Sports for giving us The Rebirth Marching Jazz Band as bumper music a couple breaks ago. Note this is not the Grammy-award-winning Rebirth Brass Band, but it’s a step in the right direction. #LocalMusic
#Saints #WhoDat #ATLvsNO

Picture 1: Putin meets families of the fallen with a safety distance of 7 meters.
Picture 2: Zelenskyy meets families of the fallen.


Kristen Welker was disgraceful this morning, and we cannot afford for her to continue this way. She and any like her have to either speak the truth or step down.

@ClintBarton @TonyStark 😎🤔 Individuals like Trump, who don't care to faithfully abide by the laws (=> 91 charges), will even less bother to "take care that the laws be faithfully executed", as Article Two of the Constitution spells out one of the president's duties.

#RuleOfLaw #Trump #AbuseOfPower #ConspiracyAgainstRights #ConspiracyAgainstTheUS #Jan6 #Insurrection

How is the first quarter over already?! ⚜️⚜️

It’s mind blowing that the networks give so much weight to a third rate legislator like Stefanik. She hasn’t accomplished anything except groveling in front of Donald Trump. Her integrity isn’t in question. It doesn’t exist.

The Republican plan is to only certify elections where their candidate wins. It won’t stay limited to President.

Elise Stefanik pre-emptively declines to commit to accepting 2024 election results-


Trump reportedly plans to invoke the Insurrection Act, which allows the president to use the military as a domestic police force, on his first day in office.Trump reportedly considered activating the Insurrection Act twice during his presidency—first to quell Black Lives Matter protests and later to hold on to power after his election defeat.

This isn't hyperbole ... these are Trump's own promises on the campaign trail.


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