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Normalize virus reports like weather reports. We appreciate weather reports even if they bring us bad news, as they help us plan ahead and avoid accidents.

We need to stop being in denial about airborne viruses spreading. Sharing data helps us prepare and makes our lives easier.

Comer admits Trump sold out the American people & violated the Constitution when serving in the White House.

Sorry, no comparison—Joe Biden, like every other President but Trump, has scrupulously followed the Emoluments Clause.

We showed you our receipts. Where are yours?

@otownKim @customer228 @GottaLaff I actually dread TFG stroking out before he's convicted, because criminal cases can't continue if the defendant dies. I want all the details and co-conspirators to be revealed, I want the slow-learning majority of voters to finally have the truth hammered home, I want the other would-be demagogues waiting in the wings to see him behind bars and realize tyranny has consequences, I want the rest of the world to see that the U.S. still stands for justice, and I don't want the stochastic terrorism that will occur if he dies unexpectedly and his Q-loving base believes he was murdered. In all those ways, him wasting away slowly in jail is a much, much more constructive outcome.

Nurse friend: "Had a patient yesterday who said she was not wearing a mask at work so she could build up immunity."
Me: "Ask her if she feels the same way about condoms and AIDS."

@flowerpot @rameshgupta @Bam @paninid

Hmmm all those arab - non-Jewish members of Kenesset...

All those non-jewish arab voters and citizens...

How's that apartheid claim working out there for ya?

Because again, words have meaning. No, I am not and never was a lawyer, but even I know that nothing about Israel matches the definition of "apartheid"

Wayne LaPierre, announcing that he has resigned from the NRA, confirms that what you’ll really need to pry from his cold dead hands is the money he stole.

$35/month insulin.

Brought to you *not* by voluntary industry action -- but courtesy of the Inflation Reduction Act, passed by a Democratic Congress and signed into law by Joe Biden.

91 days. An unending nightmare. So many stories of heartache. May the hostages be reunited with their families soon. #BringThemHome #Israel #BringThemHomeNow

One major party front runner

— was close friends with Jeffrey Epstein
— has been indicted on 91 felony counts
— stole military secrets and “lost” a highly classified intelligence binder
— took $7.8 million of foreign cash while in the White House

And the other one is Joe Biden.

There is only one interpretation — January 6 was a coup and a criminal act of terrorism.

If you are a multiply marginalized person in this world, what's happening to Claudine Gay— and especially its comparison to what ISN'T happening to white dudes who've committed ACTUAL plagiarism and fraud—is both no surprise, and a complete nightmare.

Anybody else still curious who planted the pipe bombs, disabled Mike Pence’s key card, removed the panic button in Ayanna Presley’s office, and shared the locations of non-reinforced Capitol windows?

And "Democrats were unable to get more evidence of foreign payments to Trump because Comer and others stopped forcing his accountants to comply with congressional subpoenas."


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