When you share a YouTube video, make sure you say what it is, cause this is all we ever see.

Bought a pair of new folding chairs for the summer. Opened one up in the living room and it was immediately claimed by Shadow. He says it's just his size, so no one can sit there with him, and in another 30 minutes it will be so coated (pun intended) with cat hair, no one will want to sit there.

Jet and Shadow had a bit of a lie in this morning. Not unusual for either of them.

Happy from Jet. He took a break from his nap long enough to turn his head in my direction. Apparently that takes a tremendous amount of energy.

Waffle House customers are thrilled with the Orange shit gibbon.

Katie Britt. SMH She couldn't even get through an email without invoking "radical leftwing causes."

And did I mention the sloths? I love Roatan for the sloths. They don't look real even up close!

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Taking advantage of the rare snow in south Alabama, we made a nonbinary Turkish snow person.

My cat's not such a bad guy. He rescued this little fellah from the snow and cold and brought him in the house.

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