It's Holocaust Memorial Day. Never forget all the victims of Nazi racist genocide. That's all 17m of them.
No photo of Oreo on this #caturday. He’s hiding in the closet in my shoe basket because it’s thundering outside.
President Abraham #Lincoln in letters to Joshua Speed, had prophetic vision on the politics of the future #UnitedStates.
"When the #KnowNothing get control, it will read "all men are created equal, except negroes, and foreigners, and catholics." When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretence of loving liberty-to #russia for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocracy."
Good news a from NC. Republicans passed a law that required a postcard be sent to the address of any person who took advantage of same-day registration, if the card was undeliverable by the post office the vote would be thrown out.
(The voter would *not* even be notified this happened.)
Like many voter suppression laws, it almost sounds sensible: if you don't think about it much.
On closer inspection, it is designed to target poor, minority and/or young voters. 1/
In any other country, this would be front page news:
Page 53: Renewables have provided more than enough electricity to meet Scotland's needs for the first time, figures show.
[2024-01-27 13:36 UTC]
More pro-life BS...
"If they think this was him enjoying his hypoxia, then saying what happened last night was 'textbook' are just words without meaning."
@AlliFlowers I don't know. they seem very good at bad ideas. Like never, in a million years, would i have suggested they guzzle horse dewormer or blame 'demon semen' for covid. And yet. And yet.
Top 10 states in total #COVID deaths reported per 1M/pop., 1/26:
1. Arizona 4,640 (+0)
2. West Virginia 4,602 (+0)
3. Mississippi 4,527 (+0)
4. Tennessee 4,430 (+0)
5. Michigan 4,424 (+0)
6. New Mexico 4,405 (+0)
7. Arkansas 4,389 (+0)
8. Florida 4,334 (+0)
9. Alabama 4,311 (+0)
10. Kentucky 4,294 (+0)
Reminder: all you have to do to donate to campaigns in the USA, is open or buy a US corporation.
Thanks to Citizens United, there's nothing stopping pro-democracy advocates from other countries from buying an American election.
Thanks to Trump's tampering with trade agreements, register via Canada & Mexico.
If Russian oligarchs can make Mike Johnson into the Speaker, & the FEC won't stop you...
OTTAWA - Canada is joining the United States in suspending funding for a UN agency that supports Palestinians, in response to allegations agency staff played a role in the Hamas attack on Israel last October.
Former prime minister Stephen Harper's Conservative government cut off Canadian funding for UNWRA in 2010, amid allegations it was too closely tied to Hamas.
Funding resumed under the federal Liberals in 2016.
@AlliFlowers i jokes years ago that these regressive morons would be trying to do this in 20 years. They beat my prediction by ten years.
In the next 50 theyll be wanting to bring back mammoth hunting
Great News, Democrats: Republicans Say You Can Ignore the Supreme Court
Ah, well, first post the bond...I'll give 2 to 1 he no longer has the cash to post the bond for both appeals, the business & EJ. Which would also mean he no longer has the cash on hand to pay.
I'd leave him a plot next to Ivana...if they still know where they planted her.
Let's normalize calling Trump a rapist.
Let me use it in a totally fictional, sorta sci-fi/utopian sentence:
"Donald J. Trump -- the infamous rapist and twice-impeached insurrectionist who back in 2020 tried to overthrow democracy in the Free World -- died today, reportedly choking on an overcooked chunk of ketchup-covered steak."
Vince McMahon, WWE founder, resigns amid sex trafficking allegations - CNN
Ph.D. in Instructional Design. Career educator. Cancer Survivor. Collector of Interesting People. Tech lover. Big blue dot in south Alabama. Air Force Brat. Former ALSDF officer. Please do an “about” if you want a follow.
Do not PM me to say hello.
Current background picture are sunflowers.
Foreground: Image Playground created image of me.