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Albuquerque, NM, has become the largest U.S. city to permanently make public transportation free for everyone. The city found that fares didn’t cover the administrative fees, so they actually save money by making public transportation free.

That said... Elise Lunatik did not invent the idea to call convicted Jan 6th terrorists 'hostages'. That was from the think tank of Marjorie Three Brains & Matty McForehead

It shows the deterioration of the GOP, how the maga cancer spreads

GOP called itself the law-and-order party

Now 'hostages'

#FoxNews schlep, #TraceGallagher, was so angry that #CNN fact-checked #Trump's lie-filled press remarks after getting hit with a $83.3 million judgement that he went on his own lie-filled tirade about it. Because if there's something that the Fox audience can't tolerate, it's being alerted to the facts. How dare CNN disturb their cocoon of ignorance! What a pack of ignorant shit stains.

#MAGAcult #MAGAgarbage #MAGAfools #TheHeadLiar #TrumpCult #TrumpLies #TrumpIsALiar

People Who Hire People 💼​:

Please I implore you,
do not require candidates create an account to apply for an open position.

Candidates often apply to hundreds of places before finding a right fit. Can you imagine having to create a hundred accounts that you will never use after just for that? This is a real data privacy nightmare for them, and for you too!

Please don't.

#JobSearch #Privacy

@AlliFlowers @sickmatter @serge That's just the beginning of it. Iran has paid the ANC bills, now the Palestinians have taken over the ANC meeting in Durban to announce their election manifesto. ANC have painted themselves into a corner. The tail is now wagging the dog! They are now the Islam party.

Let's do something new:

No politics. No Trump. No civil war talk.

🦋💕 Good News Thread! 💕🦋

>> Feel free to add your own in the comments ❤️

>> Pet pics highly appreciated


"Disease-free survival for those with stage IV disease was about 68% in the vaccine-only group, and zero in the placebo group."

#GoodNews 1/ 🧵

Last cast accounted for. Jet prefers to watch the rain from the comfort of his bed.

She was born on January 26th 1944 in Birmingham, Alabama.

Miss Angela Davis
Happy 80th Birthday! ✊🏼🙏🏽

#BlackMastodon #WorkingClassHeroes #Communism #Pacifism #Feminism #HumanRights #MinorityRights

I really don't understand this #WashingtonPost coverage. Who is the #President? Why isn't #Biden's current policy plan on the border getting the main headline and #Trump's anticipatory policy (with a photograph fro 2019 no less) is?


I bet it is... just get better soon.. you are way valued out here.

TIL that the Peace Sign, created in 1958 by Gerald Holtem, was made to mimic how sailors communicate via flag signals. The angle "N" stands for Nuclear and the line "D" stands for Disarmament.
#til #todayilearned

Unlike Oreo, Shadow loves a good rainy day. He’ll watch the rain for hours, and go run around in it until his fur is wet, and then come for a cuddle.

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