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👍🏼💪🏼Via Kyle Griffin:

A proposed amendment to enshrine access to #abortion in #Florida's constitution moved one step closer to appearing on the November 2024 ballot after a coalition of reproductive rights advocates surpassed the required number of validated signatures.

"Former county clerk Kim Davis, who refused to issue marriage licenses in Kentucky to same-sex couples, must pay a total of $260,104 in fees and expenses to attorneys who represented one couple, according to a federal judge’s ruling." #Kentucky #LGBTQIA

@9to5Mac You seemed to have not fully researched a topic before stating something couldn’t be done. You *can* make nested folders on iOS Notes.

On the page of folders, tap Edit in the upper right corner. Then tap the circle with three dots next to the folder to which you want to make a subfolder. Then tap Add Folder and it will be a subfolder.

Alternatively you can swipe right to left on an existing folder, tap the purple folder button, and move that folder underneath another as a subfolder.

⬆️ @Bam @ViciousBabushka

Not sure if this was #BDS-linked, but the #BDSMovement is a global menace.

They encourage these kinds of violent "protests," spectacular boycotts, and closures that simply disrupt other people's lives (not just #Jewish)

In #US, #BDSHorseShoe blames #Biden, threatens to upend #WorldSecurity by handing #Election2024 to #Trump and unleash horrors upon the whole world

Hamas strategically employs civilian homes for military operations, often with their operatives dressing as civilians. However, when Israel responds to these actions, it is frequently labeled as 'war crimes.' Stop the hypocrisy.

#gaza #Palestine #war #israel #hamas

It’s not Champaign unless it comes from the Champaign region of Illinois.

A different perspective for those folks who are having trouble seeing women's point of view. (edited to include alt-text, thanks to Aral Balkan)

#AbortionRightsAreHumanRights #Abortion

The politically powerful who want to affect school appear to be those who are the least aware of the nature of human learning.

A #Jan6 hero is running for a Dem seat in a crowded field 👇🏼

Former Capitol Police officer outspoken about Jan. 6 launches run for Congress

Harry Dunn, who has testified extensively about the Jan. 6 riot, recently retired from the force and is running in #Maryland’s 3rd Congressional District.


Via Scott MacFarlane:

FLASH: Judge sentences #Jan6 defendant Christopher Worrell, who absconded before prior sentencing hearing and was a fugitive in late 2023, to TEN YEARS PRISON.

If the gunnuts always blame mental health for mass shootings, how about mental health screenings included in a universal background check before obtaining a gun? Maybe even some training? Licensing? Registration?

L.A. woman, 88, had private security for protection. A guard shot her on New Year’s Eve

He mistook her for a burglar. Guns are always a bad idea, folks.

Keep ‘em coming!

“5 voters formally objected to #Trump’s newly-filed state nominating petitions Thurs, citing his role fomenting insurrection & now adding #Illinois to national debate about Trump’s legal status as pres candidate.

…objectors believe Trump is disqualified as candidate & want State Board of Elections to block him from appearing on Illinois’ March 19 primary & Nov. 5 general election ballots.” #14thAmendment

Well, he just fixed his wagon with MAGA.

"Christie Says He Would Not Pardon Trump: ‘No, no, no, no’"

"Christie said it would be the 'easiest' decision he would ever made for a pardon because Trump wouldn't 'accept responsibility' for what he had done."

#GOP #Christie #Trump

I don’t know how it’s going for you, but my Fantasy Ivy League President team is in shambles.

@Huntn00 @AlliFlowers Yes, I think this is key to the delight that a certain group of citizens always expresses when their "enemies" are targeted: they imagine they themselves won't ever be targeted in similar fashion. History inevitably proves them wrong.

@wdlindsy @AlliFlowers As a logical adult, you have to view anyone supporting Trump, and/or the GOP as the “screw the rules”, anti-Democracy, anti-Constitutional, enablers for the modern US fascism movement, even if they are too stupid or self serving, because all they can imagine is that they’ll come out ahead, an advantage over others they don’t like, or even the ability to shove their straight jacket religious views down everyone else’s throats. 🔥🔥

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