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#Trump claimed on social media that this stmnt was “JUST FOUND” (it wasn’t)
He was penalized $1k for that as a violation of the #GagOrder.

#KeithDavidson reads #StormyDaniels's denial aloud.

#Steinglass: “How would you characterize the truthfulness of this statement?”
“Did you intend for this statement to be cleverly misleading?”

Davidson: “I don’t understand the question” & added he would “never” use the term “#HushMoney”. He prefers the term “consideration.”

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

Show thread Maybe he should have gone to do his doctoral studies in Palestine.

Some of those talking about the issue of antisemitism now were strangely silent when WHITE PEOPLE marched and FOUGHT on a COLLEGE CAMPUS (Univ of Virginia) in Charlottesville in 2017 shouting “Jews will not replace us”. Where were police then? Where was Mike Johnson on the UV campus calling for an end to anti-Semisitism?

@GreenFire @w7voa the fact that most Americans read at a sixth-grader level does NOT mean that the rest are learned and well informed

@appassionato 50 years ago she was protesting her own government on her soil. Today she’s protesting another government. She should go do it on their soil. @palestine @dougiec3

@Rasta These are melatonin gummies. I’d be surprised if the Olly brand wasn’t available near you.

Proud Boys cosplaying as pro-Israeli Jews to attack anti-Zionist Jews and non-Jews is the 2024 that seemed almost inevitable.

I cannot express how much I love the mute feature. I can still exasperate folks, but I never see their responses to me.

@lovelylovely Only a fool would assume all these kids ALL OVER the country who know absolutely nothing about the world, foreign policy or even geography are suddenly willing to rebel about something without being manipulated by propagandists BLM is exactly why so many uninformed people have taken to this cause. they really believe Jews are white & Arabs are “brown” & that’s all they need to know..anyone who thinks this is not manipulated by US adversaries (Russia-Iran -GOP) is blind

Once again, The pro-Palestine anti-Israel/Hamas protesters is not like the #civilrights movement that was a none violent strategy to break the backs of white supremacy against Black Americans, they did not destroy property or stop the functioning of businesses from operating, So don't you dare compare civil rights with SCREAMING in your FACE students which some may very well be legitimate protester However it's been proven that the majority are anti-Semitic far-left MAGA #Gaza actors.

@theothersimo How did your original question about her relate to anything at all? You just like to move the goal post when you get uncomfortable. Please don’t reply to me anymore. @DemocracyMattersALot

Footage has been released regarding the attack in #Odesa, yesterday. It confirms that Russia used cluster ammunition against a civilian center in #Ukraine. One of many deliberate war crimes Russia has committed over the course of the illegal invasion of #Ukraine.

Putin's army using CLUSTER MUNITIONS ON CIVILIANS in 2024.


#arrestputin #Hague #warcrimes #ArrestPutinNow
#EU #UN #potus

Source of video: Telegram / Uniannet

@theothersimo You must have loved when the 1/6 gang lowered the US flag to hoist Trump flags. @DemocracyMattersALot

@Rasta Depends on the brand. We frequently take to Olly Sleep gummies 30 minutes before turning out the lights. Out in less than 10 minutes, and screen read up until that point.

violence against pro-Palestinian student protestors 

@alizasystem I can’t help but wonder if they were really counter-protestors, or just outside agitators, like at ASU.

80% of the #protestors arrested at Arizona State were not students.

UPDATE: ASU officials said most of the 69 people who were arrested for setting up an encampment at the Tempe campus overnight were not students, staff or faculty.

#protest #law #1stAmendment

🧵 3/

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