So Oreo the escape artist got out again. All the pet doors have once again been shut tight. The other two cats are not happy about being punished for the actions of their brother. Tomorrow, we’ll again go in search of his escape hole. #Caturday
Been a minute, so I figured I would delight you all with some #Hedgehog. I expect Snooty will spend the rest of his night on that wheel.
This morning, hubby found a YouTube video of Mice for Cats. Well this cat sure enjoyed it! #CatsOfMastodon
And while the cats are being miserable about have to remain indoors, Snooty the #Hedgehog is perfectly happy pretending to be a Brillo pad on my shoulder.
So Oreo somehow managed to escape. Twice. As punishment, the cat doors have all been locked shut. I hate to make the other two miserable, but until we figure out how he got to the front yard, that’s how it’s gotta be. #Caterday #CatsOfMastodon
I realize it’s #Caturday, but there is no day for #Hedgehogs. Snooty is having a great evening in his nice clean enclosure.
Ph.D. in Instructional Design. Career educator. Cancer Survivor. Collector of Interesting People. Tech lover. Big blue dot in south Alabama. Air Force Brat. Former ALSDF officer. Please do an “about” if you want a follow.
Do not PM me to say hello.
Current background picture are sunflowers.
Foreground: Image Playground created image of me.