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@timo21 Yes — and this is in many ways a strategic alliance, with the US Catholic bishops and Opus Dei doing a lot of the behind-the-scenes work and putting their white evangelical allies out on Front Street as foot warriors in the culture-war battles. As that goes on and evangelicals take the heat, the bishops and Opus Dei and Federalist Society quietly pack the courts — and the media give those folks a complete pass.

Today is my birthday. Not the one I celebrate for the day I was born, but the one I celebrate for my final day of cancer treatments. Almost a year of chemo, a double mastectomy, and 3 months of daily radiation. The last radiation treatment was 11 years ago today. So happy birthday to me!


Vouchers for public education are all about re-segregation.

Rich people don't want their kids associating with anyone who might instill empathy, critical thinking, and curiosity in their progeny.

To manufacture cognitive prisons and recreate Jim Crow, you need social isolation, restricted access to information, and bigotry for the next generation.

Someone on another instance said they don't understand the argument against allowing trans teens to have puberty blockers and/or hrt, as appropriate.

The argument is simple:

Trans children don't conform to a simple, rigid worldview, and they are few in number - that makes them easy targets. With the right grooming, conservative voters eat stuff like that up. Stuff like, "hey, you too can have power over others".

If you think all this feels kinda predatory, you are not wrong.

@dukepaaron also, let’s not discount how disappointing the secular world is when you still want to be a good person without religious affiliation. Anything promising gets taken over by grifters like Sam Bankman-Fried (effective altruism) or Elon Musk (transhumanism)

#ChrisHayes #AllIn just did a segment on the status of things in the US exactly 4 years ago today, when toilet paper was depleted, store shelves were empty, & nobody had PPE. He should do that segment every week from now til the election. Let us all revisit the unspeakable dying in NY, the morgue trucks, the potters' fields, & all the idiotic statements of Mr. Trump. The Repubs keep saying we were all better off 4 years ago. Let's see, #msnbc. Let us all see & decide, weekly.

Once again, the Fifth Circuit upholds a Matthew Kacsmaryk decision that has the wide-reaching effect of taking away rights of ordinary Texans. In this case, it prevents Texas teens from accessing birth control if their parents say they can't have it. The decision says that the father/plaintiff has a "state-created right" to prevent his daughters from getting birth control.

Texas wants to force as many women as possible, and in this case underage girls, to have babies.

People might know that there are countries where it is effectively impossible for Jews to live.

What less people know is that there are countries where Jews are not banned outright, or prevented from getting work permits by law, but are made to pay a "Jew Tax" in the form of preventing Jews from producing kosher meat, requiring them to buy foreign meat that is less available and costs a lot more.

Those countries are Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, Estonia and Slovenia.

These countries have a "Jew Tax" which requires their Jewish citizens to buy food at higher prices.

Canada has now joined these countries.

When I was in school and people would ask "How could people pass laws against Jews?", the answer is this... by starting with making life more difficult for Jews, then like the frog in the pot, turning up the heat.

#Antisemitism #Canada #Denmark #Sweden #Estonia #Switzerland #Slovenia #Kosher



"white Christians in the US are not an oppressed minority"

But they soooooo want to be. They just love playing martyr.

⚡️Democrats in the US House of Representatives have begun collecting signatures to bring up a $95 billion aid bill for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, bypassing Speaker Mike Johnson. A discharge petition was filed.

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