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Right wing propaganda is very successful on the US youth and it's shocking.


Congressional Republicans have now repeatedly admitted that they have accomplished nothing of consequence since taking control of the House in 2023.

This won't matter unless Democrats make it matter though.

Top 10 states in total #COVID deaths reported per 1M/pop., 1/21:

1. Arizona 4,640 (+0)
2. West Virginia 4,602 (+0)
3. Mississippi 4,527 (+0)
4. Tennessee 4,430 (+0)
5. Michigan 4,414 (+0)
6. New Mexico 4,405 (+0)
7. Arkansas 4,389 (+0)
8. Florida 4,334 (+0)
9. Alabama 4,311 (+0)
10. Kentucky 4,294 (+0)

@Strandjunker Would it be offensive to his majesty justice Kavanaugh to be asked to sit down for an interview with the FBI to explain in detail, who paid his considerable debts prior to his nomination for SCOTUS bench?
And what he had possibly been asked for to do in exchange for settling the debts?
And if he has any knowledge about sums of money being paid to the person officially nominating him, for nominating him?
Under oath... please.

#RuleOfLaw #AccountabilityMatters #JusticeMatters #InvestigateTheSix #SCOTUS

@LiveByReason @mentallyalex @GottaLaff I want him penniless. I want him to have to have a public defender. I want him living in a rundown trailer park before he goes to prison. I want him to have to drink Shasta because he can’t afford Diet Coke. I’m sick of him and what he has done to my country.

Just finished reading today’s email listing’s top stories. It reads more and more like a gossip rag every day.

When the average corporate CEO’s income has risen 937% since 1978 and yours has increased by 5.7%, it’s time to stop blaming the immigrants for your woes.

Crooked politicians, pushing corrupt policies.

Vote'um out, folks.. Send a message, reclaim your life.

Vote Blue in 2024 ! ! !

How can this even be an option? To suffocate to death is a horribly cruel and unusual way to die. Hopefully someone steps in and stops this before it is carried out. But it’s Alabama and Kay Ivey isn’t one to let something being an immoral act stand in the way of enacting a pound of flesh. #endthedeathpenalty

What the hell’s been going on at Harvard the past few years


Harvard morgue theft ring stole body parts, sold brains and turned human flesh into leather

"We Are Witnessing the Biggest Judicial Power Grab Since 1803

During a major hearing this week, the conservative justices made clear they’re about to gut the federal government’s power to regulate—and take that power for themselves."

@rchusid it's not wrong. Every election before has proven it to be 100% accurate; There are ALWAYS 2 viable candidates. A Republican and a Democratic nominee. EVERY single 3rd party candidate vote is an erasure of the most nearly aligned party's candidate. It should be called jill stein syndrome, but unfortunately, it has no other name than "ignorance". It merely propels the candidate, most opposed to the voter's ideologies. It's exactly what gave us trvmp 45.

Breaking: DeSantis receives vaccination from becoming President.

#DeathSantis, just this week, disparaged #TFG; questioned his fitness for office for being old, & said that he’ll inspire Democrats to come out in droves for Biden, endorsed him. The Florida governor slammed Nikki Haley as being a “repackaged form of warmed over corporatism”. He doesn’t believe that he was a colossal failure as a presidential candidate or that he has any weaknesses. #GOPTraitors #GOPConspirators

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The big shame is that DeSantis is still governor of Florida.

While DeSantis has suspended his presidential campaign, there is no word on the status of his running mate, his 6-inch lifts.

Lets think about some numbers, the world blames Israel for killing around 1% of the Gaza population.

The number of Hamas members is around 30,000 which is more than 1% of the population. We can add to those numbers the other minor terror organisations that help hamas in Gaza. In total we got at least 42000 militants in Gaza. Which are 1.82% of the population in Gaza.

So, if Israel kills every terrorist in Gaza, will they still be blamed for killing 1.82% of the population? Double standards at their finest.

#hamas #gaza #israel #Palestine #war

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