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I know he’s a fossil, but if it’s a choice between Dark Brandon and the Mango Mussolini, I’m gonna be voting for Brandon… #letsgobrandon

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📢 NEW: McConnell just told Senate Republicans the sexual assault perpetrator won’t let them help fix the border because he wants to run on it.

Republicans refuse to fix the border, and allow the dangerous situation.


#immmagration #border #security #criminal #republicans #scam #RepublicansAreTheProblem

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Chag Sameach! Tonight marks the beginning of Tu BiShvat. It's a time for reflection on our relationship with nature. And what a poignant time for reflection. Our planet that we have been charged as stewards of is in crisis. Politically, Socially, and in terms of Global Warming and Climate Change.

What's going on with Kenneth Eugene Smith's scheduled execution?

SCOTUS denied one stay request today—relating to the fact that Alabama already tried to kill him one—but his challenge to the untested nitrogen gas protocol Alabama wants to use remains pending, with a stay request at the 11th Circuit.

@philip_cardella I just saw it today:
"Given recent departures, Republicans hold 219 seats to Democrats’ 213. Here’s what happened other times Congress was so closely divided."

Another way I think right-wings types are just awful—not only wanting to withhold as much help as possible from those who really need it but wanting to shame anyone for receiving whatever help is given.

Like that whole school lunch thing. Embarrassing kids with past due bills is TOTALLY what your lord and savior would do, babe. Very loaves and fish.

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Proud Boys member sentenced to 6 years in prison for Capitol riot role after berating judge | AP News

Taiwanese film 'Island in Between' receives Oscar nomination | Taiwan News | 2024-01-24 11:12:00

If we don't let refugee children get their flesh shredded by razor wire, who will the conservative #Christians feel superior to?

@AlliFlowers Which means they would be the ideal & appropriate new home for the former Oval Office occupant charged with 91 counts, right?!

Nevermind just being antichrist, these hypocritical religious fanatics in the Republican party are antihumanity.


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