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A reminder that the Martinsville school district paid Paul Clement $100,000 — not big for him, but no small sum for a school district — to convince the justices to take the bathroom ban case and uphold their ban. With today’s SCOTUS orders, he failed.

Via Mehdi Hasan:

What about that time you said you got excluded from a kids’ beauty contest for being brown?

Or that time you said your dad was profiled at a market because of his turban?

#NikkiHaley: "We've never been a racist country"


"we own the traditional media, so we don't fear it. those rotten kids use that tok-tik thingie and might actually vote and not listen to us; that's the real threat" -- the usual rich white folks/suspects...


To be fair, it is the GOP and "mainstream" media that are aiming to ban TikTok. I think it is a diversion so we won't talk about Facebook, Xhitter and YouTube where the real issues are.

MAGA GOP voters face a choice -
Cheney notes, “My view is I disagree with a lot of Joe Biden’s policies. We can survive bad policies. We cannot survive torching the Constitution.” #Politics

@DemocracyMattersALot In a sense Haley is right. It's not that trump supporters are JUST racists. They are misogynists too!
Haley has related stories about how racism affected her and her immigrant family. She's conveniently "forgotten" about her own experiences.

60% of Iowa GOP caucus goers believe that the election was stolen from Trump. But y'all wanna say "Ban TikTok because disinformation?" 🤡

Y'all are not serious.

The real, dangerous disinformation, is coming from traditional media channels and places like Twitter, and it is in service of white nationalism, and its primary victims are Black people. But we don't want to talk about that. We just want to yell "Ban TikTok!"

Gaza tunnels stretch at least 350 miles, far longer than past estimate.
"Senior Israeli defense officials tell NY Times there are some 5,700 separate shafts leading to Hamas’s underground network under the Strip, which is only 140 square miles."

@dukepaaron @levjoy @floating @TonyStark They don't just want to destroy the only country where Jewish people are the majority, but erase it from history. And people don't believe antisemitism is a problem.

It has been determined already that Mr. Trump did sexually assault Ms. Carroll, that he knew when he made the statements about Ms. Carroll that the statements were false, that he made them with reckless disregard to whether they were true or false — US District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan #quotes #quote #Trump #DefamationTrial #TrumpSexualAssault #AwardDamages #TrumpTrial

Speaking of stolen elections ...

"In a statement, the Prince William elections office said Trump received 2,327 more votes in the county than he should have, and President Joe Biden was “shorted” 1,648 votes."

👀The Capitol Police are investigating remarks made by pro-#Trump political operative #RogerStone discussing the assassination of two prominent House Democrats. A source told Mediaite the FBI is aiding with the investigation.

The New York Times has just reached the "I dunno make some shit up" stage of covering the ridiculous charade that is the meaningless Iowa caucuses.

I do see a lot of hesitancy--as a direct result of active denial by others. A small example: A few years ago, a coworker had a minor laceration at work. I asked if his tetanus was up to date. He said he wasn't sure about putting more "chemicals" in his body.

I explained the difference between what virtually everyone experiences after a tetanus booster (sore arm, maybe some muscle aches) vs. the likely outcome of a tetanus infection (your muscles go into spasm with increasing force over a week or so until, with his musculature, they might break teeth and bones, and then when your breathing muscles seize up, you die).

He got his booster the next day.

During the rise of COVID, I spent a lot of time explaining the basics of how vaccines work to my coworkers. If people are hesitant because they don't have the right information, a lot of people will make a sensible decision if they get good information from a trusted source.


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