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“The Russians develop a fancy new electronic system and deploy it to the front line—then promptly lose it to Ukrainian artillery, bombs or drones.

It happened again this week, when the Ukrainian Shadow drone group hunted down, and blew up, a very new and very rare RB-109A Bylina electronic-warfare command-and-control system.”


@steviesyerda @rameshgupta @GreenFire @ArenaCops @TonyStark

1. No, there isn't. Biden had a little chat with the Houthi's Iranian bosses and told them there wasn't going to be retaliation or escalation.

We do not permit terrorism out of fear of "escalation". If we did that, then terrorists would feel safe in escalating all they like. Instead, we kill terrorists.

2. This perception is a lie that the far left is trying to spread. If you don't like it, stop spreading it. Be honest, instead.

3. Arming Israel *is* defending our allies against terrorism. Hamas is a terrorist organization that committed a massacre.

They wanted this retaliation on Gaza and they got it. They wanted martyrs and they got them. They wanted people like you to blame Israel for what Hamas did, and they got that, too.


#Trump urged Iowans to vote for him in the Republian caucus at the expense of their health.

“[Even} if you’re sick as a dog and you say ‘darling I can’t make it…’
“Even if you vote and then pass away it’s worth it.”

This is the same guy that sabotaged efforts to fight COVID-19.

Trump doesn't care about you. Or anyone. He's a sociopath. Don't let him be president again.

@colo_lee Right now every ounce of energy should be focused on getting Biden elected and keeping as many Dems in Congress as we can and getting more. @ncoca @GreenFire @TonyStark @72mz @ArenaCops

"Many are saying that Dan Marburger is a hero, as he put himself directly into harm’s way in an attempt to stop or limit the violence. I agree. But I also find it striking that his cause of death is the same as that which ended the lives of many of our soldiers in military combat, and who we also call heroes." Rest in power. #Perry #Iowa

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