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In #Birmingham as well as the rest of the country, crime is dropping. So much for the Democrats being soft on crime. #Bidenomics works. Nothing stops a bullet like a job. #Alabama

@wdlindsy As a rule, I want to see younger Presidents, however for the 2024 election, if you care about the future of the USA, Biden is the only viable choice.

The whole “resume syncing” in iOS photos has *got to go*. I don’t care if my battery is low, just always sync damnit!

Come Election Day, I don’t see how organizing mass opposition to Biden does anything but drastically help Trump and Republicans push the country closer to their dream of an authoritarian Christo-fascist state that would end democracy as we know it.

Besides that, Joe Biden has done a more than good job at the job we hired him for.

Joe Biden is the candidate to keep Donald Trump out of the White

@azphilosopher @TonyStark The U.S. has always relied on an influx of migrant workers. Particularly, after spreading from “sea to shining sea.”
These “republicans” just seem determined to undermine and destroy everything that interferes with what ever improves lives around them.

@shekinahcancook @Rakielxx71
Sheesh! It’s almost as if those screaming to make America a “Christian state” don’t really want to use Christian laws!

It’s like it’s about something else! Gosh, it’s like it’s really all about power, control, hate, segregation, and profit.


And yet Republicans want more migrants from places like Norway, as Trump himself said...
It's the same in Europe: People might claim we're full and "can't take everyone" yet no one has a problem with western Europeans.
But people will complain about people from eastern Europe, Africa, the Middle East, but then turn around and complain that they can't find people for their job openings.

A lifelong friend and very wise neighbor has told me for years that "holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die". I have plenty of life and business goals this year, but my #1 personal goal is to not drink the poison.

I've been joking that this year I strive to be less of a hater. I've spent a lot of time over the last few years focused on being more of the person I want to be, this year though I'd also like to focus on being less of who I don't want to be.

America is 'full,' Lindsey Graham says - POLITICO If we’re so full why are right wingers insisting we all make babies? Oh, white babies. That sounds more like them. Vote Blue

Every single high-risk person should be prescribed Paxlovid to have on hand, for when they test positive for Covid.

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It turns out that #COVID19 increased premature birth rates during the pandemic. And then the right wonders why so many women get abortions. Vaccination decreases that rate.

California father and 10-year-old son arrested after the child shot and killed another boy, deputies say

@AlliFlowers It’s a painful lesson when we realize a parent is a jerk. A necessary one, though.

Even if #millenials can afford to buy a house, the fact that the big #insurance companies -- at least in #California -- aren't writing homeowner policies make such an investment really risky. I wish this article had mentioned these 2 things: 1) the fact that #StateFarm, #AllState, #Farmers, and #USAA are "putting a pause on these policies" (words used by agent) because of 2) #ClimateChange.

New year disappointment. Daughter is sick. Testing negative for Covid, but going to try to get a PCR test later. She’s also blaming her father. Only took her 3 decades to figure out what an absolute shit he is.

A polar bear found dead on Alaska’s North Slope is the first of the species known to have been killed by the highly pathogenic♦️ avian influenza ♦️that is circulating among animal populations around the world.
The polar bear was found dead in October near Utqiagvik, the nation’s northernmost community, the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation reported.

“This is the first polar bear case reported, for anywhere,” said Dr. Bob Gerlach, Alaska’s state veterinarian.

As such, it was reported to the World Organisation for Animal Health and has gotten attention in other Arctic nations that have polar bears, he said.

This was also the first Endangered Species Act-listed animal in Alaska known to fall victim to the disease.
Polar bears, dependent on sea ice that is diminishing because of climate change, were listed as threatened in 2008.

While polar bears normally eat seals they hunt from the sea ice, it appears likely that this bear was scavenging on dead birds and ingested the influenza virus that way, Gerlach said.

Numerous birds on the North Slope of various species have died from this avian influenza, according to the Department of Environmental Conservation.
#birdflu #avianinfluenza #polarbear
#WHO #WOAH #crossspecies

🎆🎇🎉 Happy New Year to everyone, who's already in 2024 or who's about to enter 2024!

Make it a victorious year for the Rule of the People, democracy, the rule of us all, the rule of freedom, equality, care, solidarity & community!

#HappyNewYear #HappyNewYear2024 #RuleOfThePeople #Democracy #YourVoiceMatters #YouMatter #UnitedInDiversity #StrongerTogether

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