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Putting the *fucking backward barbarism* of execution aside—just thinking of this as if it’s a remotely normal thing for a modern society to do—I never understand why they don’t just let the condemned slip away pleasantly on an overdose of heroin.

It’s Sunday in Arkansas…if people want to celebrate the New Year with drinking a toast, they better have bought their alcoholic drinks of choice yesterday because the liquor stores are all closed and it’s illlegal to sell alcohol on Sundays.🤦🏻It’s so nice to live in a theocracy. It’s coming to the rest of the US if you don’t watch out.

This was one of most liked tweets:

Ro Khanna introduced a reform plan that:
- bans stock trading for Congress + spouses
- bans Congress from lobbying
- 12 year limits for Congress
- ban lobbyists + PACs donations

He directly mentions Unusual Whales work in fighting corruption.

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options

Daughter has called it for the and heading home. Great game.

BREAKING: New stats show during the final year of the Trump Administration, the U.S. saw the largest INCREASE in murders ever recorded. During the #Biden Administration, there has been a significant drop in crime - including one of the largest yearly DECLINES in homicides ever.

Thank you, President Biden! 🌊

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Know why the Saints are playing so well today? Cause my daughter is sitting in the stands cheering on the Black and Gold.

@repraskin reminds us that, of all the Constitution’s disqualifications, Sec 3 is the fairest and most democratic: it’s the only one you CHOOSE FREELY.

You can’t change where or when you were born, but attacking democracy by engaging in insurrection? That’s entirely up to you.

We could have home-use tests like this—for pennies on the dollar—but we don’t because we have utterly corrupt political leadership having bullshitted everyone for decades, purely for personal gain.

Hey Australia, it’s 2024 there, do we have flying cars yet?

This gets my vote for best political cartoon of the year.

Apparently this cartoon has drawn criticism for a false equivalency between Netanyahu and Hamas, but the people who are making that accusation are missing what it's really trying to say: there are innocent people on both sides being attacked and killed, and that's the real problem.

Kevin McCarthy’s resigning in disgrace, effective today. Happy New Year!

@RickiTarr With conservatives it's never about policy, it's about control/power/privilege/supremacy. They have no policy or desire to govern, only to rule.

Did you know every user on #mastodon has an #rss feed? For example - here's mine just add '.rss' after the url

Axios - Fidelity has again marked down the value of its shares in X Holdings, which the mutual fund giant helped Elon Musk buy for $44 billion when the company was known as Twitter. The company, according to Fidelity is now worth 71.5% less than at the time of purchase.

So, apparently, it’s “bundle of joy”…

Not “bunghole of joy.”

Sorry, lady.

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