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Breaking: US television show “The Amazing Race” scuttles AI-generated marketing tagline “Be an Amazing Racist!” after swift backlash.

A global dominionist network has exerted influence over the GOP since Bush v Gore, but the national media didn’t bother to tell us. Now this same network is circling PA, & the national media still isn’t bothering to tell us. We must sound the alarm ourselves. My latest.

US Senators should not be dying of old age while in office.

I think veggie samosas might actually be the food of the gods. Truly, I could eat them daily if I could get them. 🤤

Tuberville makes the country less safe to force his political will.

We need to push [Republican senators] to have the political will to take on Tuberville. That’s how this fight ends.” -Jon Soltz, Chairman, VoteVet


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President Biden: “[Trump] called service members ‘suckers’ and ‘losers.’ Was John a sucker? Was my son Beau, who lived next to a burn pit for a year, came home and died, was he a sucker for volunteering to serve his country?”

Today's hearing was not a failure. It was a great success in revealing the emptiness of the allegations against President Biden.

What is really stunning about the poopoo that is Twit, is so many people and institutions are scared poopooless about a Twit-free world.

As if communication didn't exist before Jack Dorsey turned Odeo into a 140 character messaging service. There was no life before 2006.

OMG no Twits today? Good thing there aren't 500 million guns in US or the suicides.... oh wait.

The fruits (vegetables?) of my labors. Lion’s Mane mushrooms in a sauce made of veggie broth, horseradish, and cranberry sauce. I’m about to go serve it up over mashed potatoes.

Trump’s lawyers failed in their attempts to force Judge Chutkan to recuse herself from the case. Trump likely assumes any judge who is black and female won’t look too kindly upon his behavior. But in this, he is mistaken: No one in their right mind, whatever their gender or race, ought to countenance what he has done. What Trump hates is that she represents the fair administration of justice. Against that, he stands little chance of skirting accountability.

One way or another, I'm within a couple months of the end of my PhD program. I've started tentatively poking around the job market, & wildlife positions are few and far between in Saskatchewan, it seems...but if there is anyone out there looking to hire soon, let a girl know! I have 9+ years of bear experience (general focus on mammals/carnivores), 6+ years of camera trapping experience (familiar w/ large databases), 2+ years small animal handling...

No, Donald Trump Did Not Speak To Striking Autoworkers

Donald Trump did not speak to a roomful of striking Detroit autoworkers Wednesday night. He didn’t speak in Detroit, even. And he definitely didn’t speak at a unionized automaker.

The former president did speak at Drake Enterprises, a small non-union company outside Detroit, where he repeatedly bashed union leadership and argued United Auto Workers members had their priorities backward

#trump #union #labor

📌 I thought the judicial system wasn't affected, so...

Via Kyle Cheney:

JUST IN: Donald #Trump is slated to sit for a deposition with Peter Strzok/Lisa Page on Oct. 17.

Their lawyers warned today that the impending shutdown could derail the long-anticipating two-hour session. #legal

A friend was surprised at my use of the term "anti-fascist" as a term of approbation, given its misuse by some then and now. But I am an anti-Communist and anti-fascist, and I see no reason liberals shouldn't reclaim both these honorable terms on behalf of a fighting liberalism.

Maybe it happened and I missed it, but it would have been nice if one of the Republicans on stage last night had taken a moment to thank Gen. Milley for his 43 years of service, including his resistance to turning the military into a praetorian guard under Trump.

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