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STORY: Trump threatens judges at campaign events while facing 91 criminal indictments to overthrow democracy
MEDIA: Trump rises above legal troubles to woo voters

STORY: Biden's first 3 years most productive in modern POTUS history
MEDIA: Biden texted "I love you" to drug user

Corporate media is failing us over, and over, and over again.

Biden announced the first 10 prescription drugs subject to price negotiations with Medicare.

It’s estimated to cut prices for certain drugs by half — leading to savings for seniors.

Big Pharma has of course sued.

If you wanted a sign that this is good policy, look no further.

I haven't yet gotten COVID. I'm really hoping this is just a reaction to fluctuations in humidity or something else. But the fact that I even have to worry about COVID due to UC Davis Health not mandating public health measures in a frickin' medical facility is infuriating. #UCAccessNow

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Hello #Fediverse! We're a #vegan permaculture community on 136 hectares in #Ecuador.

We bought the land 9 years ago and have since planted hundreds of fruit trees (not including hundreds of bananas, 14 varieties!). The project was established to create the first open regenerative vegan intentional community in the tropics of South America.

Our community includes several long-term members and we welcome new volunteers, renters and interested members. If anyone would like to come and experience a 100% plant-based lifestyle and help us in our goals of sustainable and regenerative planting of fruit trees, please visit our website for more information and to apply to join us

DeSantis didn’t say “woke” last night but he did say “CCP” and “communist China.” I was curious when this formulation had gained new popularity — and found an in-retrospect predictable moment.

L’avortement est un acte médical qui permet de mettre fin à une grossesse. Il s’agit d’un soin de santé de base pour des millions de femmes, de jeunes filles et d’autres personnes qui peuvent tomber enceintes. Sachant que l’accès à l’avortement est un sujet fortement controversé, il est possible qu’un jour, vous soyez confronté·e à une personne qui le remette en question. Voici 6 arguments basés sur des faits et chiffres que vous pourrez lui donner pour défendre ce droit

@GrimmReality Name your business "Patriot," "Heritage," or slap a cross or fish on your logo, and you've almost certainly lost me as a customer.

So remember the photos I shared recently of my blooming Lion’s Mane mushrooms? They are currently in the oven.

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