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@AlliFlowers @jbe
Doug Jones seems like an Alabamian to be proud of for sure.

2/ “Perhaps even more significant, the pattern exposes consistent violations of judicial norms, experts, including seven current and former federal judges appointed by both parties, told ProPublica. “In my career I don’t remember ever seeing this degree of largesse given to anybody,” said Jeremy Fogel, a former federal judge who served for years on the judicial committee that reviews judges’ financial disclosures. “I think it’s unprecedented.”

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Adam Kinzinger's fifteen minutes are over to me since he's still a climate science denying "conservative"


Adam Kinzinger just clapped back at Donald Trump and Fox's lies that the January 6 committee "deleted and destroyed" records — and he brought receipts.

VA House Dems: “Audio Tapes Reveal Republican Candidate in tossup district HD21 Calling for 100% Abortion Ban, Will Be in Lockstep with MAGA Extremists in VA GOP” (Don Scott: "The GOP continues to show us who they are and we cannot allow them full control. Women’s lives are at stake.”)

As the article notes, Tuberville's residency issues were a known issue during the 2020 Alabama Senate race.

But given the choice between an anti-military Florida resident like Tuberville and a competent, dedicated public servant like Doug Jones, white GOP voters in AL eagerly chose the former.

@petergleick That must been a super-secret-handshake-only course I didn’t have access to. My law school taught that your integrity and reputation are only good until the first time you tarnish them, and that the honour of the profession is our responsibility to protect. So weird that Thomas could graduate Yale Law without a mandatory ethics course.

There is and will be no way to trust the current composition of SCOTUS justices. We need enough SENATORS to CHANGE IT.

#ALweather #ALwx
WWUS74 KMOB 100230

National Weather Service Mobile AL
930 PM CDT Wed Aug 9 2023

Choctaw-Washington-Clarke-Escambia-Mobile Inland-Baldwin Inland-
Mobile Central-Baldwin Central-Mobile Coastal-Baldwin Coastal-
Escambia Inland-Escambia Coastal-Santa

As Ron DeSantis falls in the polls the conventional wisdom is that this is because he is a weak campaigner. I would prefer to think that it is because DeSantis is basically a fascist.


"several members of his own family rebuked him after he implied that Jewish and Chinese people had outsize immunity to COVID-19."

JFC, what a garbage article this is. What the hell is the matter with Daily Beast? RFK Jr. falsely claimed that COVID is a bioweapon produced by the Jews and the Chinese to target people of other races.

He's not "controversial." He's wrong. He's a goddamned liar, and his disgusting lies are hurting people.

@DemocracyMattersALot This cycle repeats over and over in Christianity. I mean, come on, just look at what Christians did during the Crusades, the Inquisition, the African slave trade, the Native American genocide. I'm pretty sure Jesus's words never said anything about committing those atrocities, yet they did what they did while claiming to be doing the work of God. If I recall correctly, the church stood behind those "Cristian soldiers".

@The_Icarian @DemocracyMattersALot

I was raised a strict Catholic, Private Catholic Primary School, Christian Bro's College (utter sadists) until yr 3 when Mom had enough & pulled me out. I was an Altar Boy... the whole 9 yards! Mom took me to the big State Library every Sat so i could do my own research & learn what they didn't want us to know. I asked questions! Usually told "Stop asking silly questions!" Curiosity, intelligence & a deep need to know facts & truth are anathema to Religions!

Heading to Chicago in the morning. Totally pumped. Wait until you see the photos I post on Friday!

That friend? The one you can say, "Meet me at that place where we had the thing?" and they know exactly where you're talking about? Hang onto them forever. ❤️

Hold up - you're telling me a bunch of Alabama violent, thuggish, entitled white guys ganging up on a lone Black man simply for doing his job might be ***RACIST***?!? No way!

#AlabamaSweetTeaParty #Montgomery #BlackFedi #BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter #Aquamayne #ScubaGoodingJr

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