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So he hasn’t duped enough of his vile base out of their $$?

#Trump has spent millions more than he’s raised in 2023

The former president far out-raised his opponents. But he’s burning cash too.”


A pro-Trump super PAC paid more than $100,000 in the first months of 2023 for Melania Trump’s hairstylist, according to Save America’s newly released operating expenses report.

Save America lists the $108,000 payment to Hervé Pierre Braillard as “strategy consulting.”
#News #GOP #Politics #USA #Trump #MAGA #Republicans

A $30,000 phone bill Rudy Giuliani’s former consulting firm has ignored for the past two-and-a-half years has ballooned to nearly twice that size—and the former tough-on-crime federal prosecutor’s flagship post-mayoral venture is now in default.

@TonyStark Everything and everyone Trump touches is ruined. It is just pure and simple fact. He is so dishonest that honest people become dishonest just by being around him.
He is the Typhoid Mary of humanity and honesty. He destroys both.

This is bad, and will get worse.
And worse.
And worse.

🔥Blood donation service in the UK refusing blood from long covid sufferers

🚨 But my gut tells me that f they're refusing it from people with long covid they should probably be refusing it from everyone who has had a covid infection*.

Oh shit.
Oh shit.
Oh shit.

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