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@AmishSuperModel @GreenFire Anyways, Jefferson was the one to establish the principle of the wall of separation between church & state — the guideline officially confirmed by a number of Presidents after him.
Presidents, who were able to understand, what Jefferson meant to say - without needing tremendously beautiful drawings.😎

1. Thomas Jefferson (1802): “I contemplate with sovereign reverence [quotes the First Amendment establishment and free exercise clauses] thus building a wall of separation between church and state.”
2. James Madison (1819): “Both society and religion benefit from the total separation of the church from the state.”
3. Ulysses S. Grant (1876): “Keep the church and state forever separate.”
4. John F. Kennedy (1960): “I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute.”
5. Richard Nixon (1960): “The separation of church and state is not subject to discussion or alteration.”
6. Jimmy Carter (1977): “I believe in the separation of church and state.”
7. Ronald Reagan (1984): “We establish no religion in this country, church and state are, and must remain separate.”
#SeparationOfChurchAndState #UnitedInDiversity #StrongerTogether

I have no idea what day it is, but I’ve been discharged from the hospital. Yay!

Sometimes I feel like criticizing something Joe Biden has felt he had to do on some issue or something, but then I ask myself who does that benefit?

It's not going to benefit me just by venting and it most certainly is not going to make the POTUS do something that he thinks is the wrong thing to do. He seems set in his ways.

So who benefits? Well, his opponents benefit. Well, do I want his opponents to be stronger because of something I did?

No, I do not want Biden's opponents to be stronger.

Thank you, President Biden @potus

He's negotiating a deal to end the war that includes:
• rebuilding Gaza
• a Palestinian state
•normalization between Israel, Saudi Arabia & Arab states

He successfully negotiated the only ceasefire between Israel & Hamas, which ended because Hamas wouldn't abide by the terms

He's responsible for the only instance of hostages being released by Hamas

He sent billions in foreign aid to Gaza including:
• food
• medical supplies
• clean water

Building pier off the shore of Gaza to get them more aid (which terrorists have already attacked to delay the aid)

He's stated over and over that the war against Hamas should be fought with the intent of minimizing civilian casualties

He helped prevent a single casualty from Iran's attack which included hundreds of drones & missiles

He's encouraged, supported peaceful protests

He's condemned Islamophobia

He's condemned antisemitism

He's condemned his opponent's plan to ban Muslims that includes a ban on any refugees from Gaza.

The nursing staff here seem to really enjoy coming to work. I hear them laughing through my closed door and it makes me smile. But I’m still ready to go home.

‘Violent’ Columbia protester is heir to ad empire— and long rap sheet.
The provocateur, who has arrests dating back to 2005.

He broke into the school and was charged with burglary, reckless endangerment, criminal mischief, conspiracy and criminal trespassing.

“I observed the defendant inside the location with several other individuals,” a police officer wrote in the arrest report. “I did observe doors with shattered windows, doors off hinges, broken desks and exits blockaded by piled-up chairs.”

Carlson destroyed a camera inside a holding cell at One Police Plaza while he was in custody around 1 a.m., police sources said.

Recently he hit the 22-year-old in the face with a rock during an April protest.

Carlson was charged at the time with suspicion of attempted lynching, malicious mischief, battery to a police officer, aggravated assault on a police officer with a deadly weapon, willful resistance to a police officer that results in serious bodily injury.

Not a student.

🧵 8/

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Don't like this economy? OK, just wait for Trump and the GOP to ruin it: Authoritarians always screw up the economy — come to think of it, GOP presidents have done that for decades

"Is it good for the Jews?" That has been a question long asked by Jewish Americans, especially immigrants and those of the second generation, scarred by memories of the Holocaust, when assessing the policies of the US government and the pledges of political candidates. Here are my thoughts on the subject.

I’ve had quite the eventful day. Felt worse this morning, so we went back to the gorgeous stand-alone Emergency Department. They took more x-rays and gave me another breathing treatment. Ran some blood tests and other things and determined that the pneumonia had spread, so they put me in an ambulance and sent me to the main hospital. And here I sit. Ugh.

So much for "student" protests on campus. #Protest

"Of the 112 people arrested at Columbia, 32 (or 29%) were not affiliated with the university, according to an NYPD official. At The City College of New York, 170 people were arrested and 102 (or 60%) of them were not affiliated with the college."

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