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She had no idea she would soon be indicted on a charge of illegal voting. She later said that she would not have jeopardized her freedom by submitting a ballot & would have left the polling place if she’d known she wasn’t allowed to vote.
#Election workers checking provisional ballots — as is routine — later determined Mason was ineligible, so her ballot was never counted.

#law #ElectionLaw #GOP #VoterIntimidation #VoteSuppression #ElectionInterference #BlackVotesMatter #democracy #VoteBlue

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CHRIST ON A CROSS. MY GOD, the intro to this story alone makes me want to spew FIRE.

If you live in Florida and your child (or you) has Medicaid 🚨 🚨 🚨 — because apparently the state didn’t even bother to notify some, or all, of the parents of the 460,000 children. Plenty of adults will lose coverage on EASTER SUNDAY, too.

Just one of the kids, age 10: “Her son Rylan was born with complex health issues intensified by a traumatic brain injury as a toddler. He is immune deficient and relies on a wheelchair, feeding tube, special formula, regular doctor visits and around-the-clock care. His medical costs are so expensive that even a day without coverage could cost Maron hundreds or thousands of dollars.“

‘Some of Florida’s sickest kids are losing Medicaid coverage on Easter Sunday – Sun Sentinel’
“Advocates for the families scramble to tell parents how to appeal loss of coverage before it’s too late”

#Taliban edict to resume #stoning #women to #death met with horror

The Taliban’s announcement that it is 🔥resuming publicly stoning women to death🔥 has been enabled by the international community’s silence, human rights groups have said.
Safia Arefi, a lawyer and head of the #Afghan #human #rights organisation 🔸Women’s Window of Hope🔸, said the announcement had condemned Afghan women to return to the darkest days of Taliban rule in the 1990s.

“With this announcement by the Taliban leader, a new chapter of private punishments has begun and Afghan women are experiencing the depths of loneliness,” Arefi said.

“Now, no one is standing beside them to save them from Taliban punishments. The international community has chosen to remain silent in the face of these violations of women’s rights.”

A prominent Georgia state Republican, who has repeatedly claimed the 2020 election was stolen, was found to have voted illegally nine times.

Heard today on MSNBC: Big Pharma- a one month supply of Ozempic costs $.89-$5.00 to manufacture, sells for $150 in Canada and $1000 in the USA.

You, your health plan or Medicare with RX coverage, the govt is paying these outlandish prices. And you can pay for it in the Medicare donut hole. No good for our National or personal budgets. Senator Sanders says he’ll do something about it.
Another med even more crazy: Actemra $5k per month to treat Temperal Arteritis…😳

Remember a month or so ago when I split my scalp open and got an ambulance ride to the ER and a CT scan and an EKG and some staples whacked into my head? The bill came.

It was $200.

Well, that was my out-of-pocket. The actual bill was $4,598.37.

Well, that’s what the insurance company paid by contract. The actual actual bill was $25,546.25.

It’s like I got a twenty-five grand bonus just because I have a job.

The American medical system is insane.

Still waiting on the ambulance invoice.

Taiwan's navy chief, Tang Hua, will visit the United States next week to attend a military ceremony and discuss how to boost bilateral naval cooperation as China raises threats toward the island, six people briefed on the trip said. #voanews

ACT NOW, because only select MAGA Patriots will receive a special edition of President Trump's God Bless the USA Bible, featuring photos of your favorite Christian President doggy-styling supermodels over the Resolute Desk.


impeachment managers are...

one couldn't find a better list outside of a psych ward if they tried...


As long as they do the same thing for every other crook at every other economic level ....


'Roots' and 'An Officer and a Gentleman' Actor Louis Gossett Jr. Dies at 87 | Wealth of Geeks

The tank destroyed in #Ukraine 🇺🇦 has been identified as the very one responsible for the loss of Hungarian 🇭🇺 lives during the tragic events of 1956! Today, #Ukraine's 🇺🇦 defense assures #Hungary 🇭🇺 that they will be kept safe from any such threats.

Who thinks Republicans were treated unfairly by God? They didn't get a brain.

#JesusChrist #DonaldTrump #OrangeJesus #Republicans
Amit Soussana was a lawyer, and the first time I saw her on video was in an unbelievable video from Oct 7 where 8 armed men! are dragging her to G@za as she is fighting them with strength and courage that I cannot even comprehend, beating her to stop fighting, all the while - she is not even fully dressed!

Next, I see her after her return from being in captivity, starting to talk anywhere for the release of the other kidnapped that are still there.

And now, she came out - with the same unimaginable bravery - speaking of the sexu@l buse she went through, and I feel that she is doing that for the women left behind who are still going through the same, or worse, and for the other women who came back and are incapable of sharing what was done to them by H@mas.

לא נשכח ולא נסלח
lo neesh-'kakh ve-'lo nees-'lakh
We won't forget, and we won't forgive

I can promise you that.

#neveragainisnow #bravewoman #israel

@eylonalevy “Here’s what you need to know about food in the Gaza Strip—apart from the fact it’s not reaching the hostages!” | Instagram

Biden wants a 25% tax on billionaires.

Trump wants to double down on his tax cuts, which have already fueled billionaire wealth.

This isn’t complicated.

Billionaires are funneling cash to Trump’s campaign for a tax break.

Anyone else supporting him is being duped.

@ivebeensetonfire @BrianJopek If Christianity truly existed today, they would be completely opposed to Corrupt Trump, which does not seem to be the case. Instead the movement seems bent on establishing a North American Christian Theocracy and destroying the idea behind the United States of America to do so. 🤔

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