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Watch your step, Katie Britt -- oops, too late.

“Thanks for your last-second endorsement after polls showed I was already gonna win big, insurrection-inciting, gaslighting, corrupt white supremacist President Trump! I love you!

“Now help me get this stinky endorsement off my shoe ...”

-- JD Crowe,

#KatieBritt #TrumpStink #TrumpEndorsement #Alabama #LoserTrump #LoserBritt

#TFG & his klan are an existential threat to:

“Christian nationalists say America was founded as a “real Christian” nation. They'd excl Christians seen after the Reformation by many conservative Protestants as idolaters, pagans & heretics. Group purity is happening to Rs -agst RINOs. Roman Catholics, Mormons, 7th Day Adventists, Church of Christ, Lutherans, Episcopalians, Unitarians -would be purged until God’s chosen ppl are an island surrounded by an ocean of heresy." Once again, the West provides. Gaza cynically abuses.

The pattern never changes.

Why would a community in crisis turn its back on its own people, stealing free aid, attacking and killing aid truckers only to then sell it to other community members who supposedly have nothing?

The west has to wake up. These people do not share our mentality. They are showing it in every thing they do.

They have showed it on Oct 7 as teachers, nurses, doctors, women and endless "innocent civilians" cheered and aided in the looting, raping, killing, kidnapping, hiding, and torturing of women, children, babies, elderly...

And they are showing it in every single thing they do since.

All we need is to look and see.

Because the west is next. They are showing this too, very clearly.

#istandwithisrael #neveragainisnow

A poll about the age distribution on the fediverse. How old are you?

#poll #poll4today :boost_requested:

"Strongman rule is a fantasy. Essential to it is the idea that a strongman will be your strongman. He won't. In a democracy, elected representatives listen to constituents. We take this for granted, and imagine that a dictator would owe us something. But the vote you cast for him affirms your irrelevance. The whole point is that the strongman owes us nothing. We get abused and we get used to it."

#trump #tfg #dictatorship #VoteBlue

It’s not just the books under fire now that worry me. It is the books that will never be written. The books that will never be read. - Judy Blume


Another stat that just boggles the mind.

The US has ~94 GigaWatts of nuclear power installed.

China, last year alone, installed 216 GW of solar.

Oh and the US has 175 GW of solar installed in total. So once again China has installed more solar in one year than the US has already installed in total.

⚡️Ukraine is not involved in the attack on Transnistria, - Moldavian authorities

"We inform you that the incident in question is an attempt to cause fear and panic in the region. The military equipment in the photo has not been working for several years."

🇨🇿 #Czechia is expected to propose a European-wide ban on #Russian and Belarusian grain crop imports during a European Council meeting next week.

#russia #belarus

St. Gertrude is the patron saint of cats and the people who love them as well as gardeners. Today, March 17, is her feast day, but she gets overlooked and overshadowed by Saint You-know-who, whose feast day is also the 17th.

Breaking: Kate Middleton expected to rise from the dead on Easter Sunday.

Hello, from my village, Siahar, in Punjab. I have arrived here to reconnect with my roots. This journey from the wilderness of the Yukon to my ancestral village in Punjab is more than just physical travel; it's an opportunity to reconnect with the land that fostered my growth.
As a child, I spent my formative years playing amidst these farms. These verdant lands are not just fields of crops; they are landscapes of my childhood. Hugging these crops felt like I was embracing my old friends.

3 myths about women's health
- Women are tiny men.
- Women have estrogen and progesterone; men have testosterone. (We all have all 3 hormones.)
- Women's health is just reproductive health.

Tennessee is the home where the Klan was born This bill is wrapped up in pretty words like Christian Heritage Month as a disguise when it actually the Christian Nationalist version of fascism .

3/ Via Hallerman:

DA Fani Willis has accepted the resignation of special prosecutor Nathan Wade.

"I compliment you for the professionalism and dignity you have shown over the last 865 days, as you have endured threats... (and) unjustified attacks in the media and in court"

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