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The CDC says it’s fine not to stay home while with active COVID so long as while out you don’t lick any doorknobs.

Parents: childcare help pls, it can cost more than a year of college

New Mexico: okay, we’ll expand our free childcare program to cover more families and also raise the wages for childcare workers

GOP lawmakers:

Hope you have a good night.

If you see this tomorrow or whenever you log back on, I'm trying to get people to stop following the media narrative on calling that orange chump's criminal trial in New York the "Hush Money" case or anything along those lines.

It is another election interference trial that happens to involve paying off a woman to be quiet about an affair, but it is the election interference that actually started the whole damn nightmare by putting him in our White House

boy oh BOY does the US government have something exciting you might be able to try if you live in AZ, CA, FL, MA, NV, NH, NY, SD, TN, TX, WA or WY and have fairly simple taxes: the pilot to file *directly* with the IRS is now open!!!!!!!!11!!!

If your customer service requires a person to call in rather than using written communication media, it is not accessible to people who are autistic, have social anxiety, are hearing-impaired, or have other communication or sensory impairments. You are telling your customers we don't matter to you if we are disabled. Is that really the kind of message you want to send?


Le problème n’est pas le terme de handicap invisible.
Le problème, c’est l’invisibilisation du handicap.

Friends, if you agree that this meme should be shared, please 💙 and retweet/repost it.

What a piece of shit Mike Johnson is! After blocking a border bill for overlord Trump, he’s now threatening the Senate bill because it DOES NOT contain border support. What a transparent liar and tool of Russia. #MikeJohnson #GOP #GOPTraitors

Speaker Johnson fires warning shot as Senate prepares to vote on Ukraine aid

I don't watch the Super Bowl, so I only saw a bunch of complaints in social media about a swastika appearing in an ad. This is a very powerful ad.

"Weak constraints and disappearing restraints mean a Chinese invasion [of Taiwan] is probable – but not inevitable – this decade. The risk of war can be reduced in proportion to the extent key players choose to strengthen constraints, which will require relentless prioritisation, and reinvigorate failing restraints, which will require political wisdom."

#China #Taiwan #military

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