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Donald Trump has to pay his own wife to speak at his rallies.

Yes, that was not a typo.

Today, for the win...

Michigan repeals anti-union laws.
Wisconsin overturns blatant GOP gerrymandering.
Pennsylvania legislature swings democratic.
Dems flip Santos' congressional seat.

Winnie-the-Pooh was born 100 years ago today in a poem. Here is a rare and lovely recording of A.A. Milne reading to his own son from what eventually became his classic book about the beloved bear:

Mr. Biden is the same age as Harrison Ford, Paul McCartney and Martin Scorsese. He’s also a bit younger than Jane Fonda (86) and a lot younger than the Berkshire Hathaway C.E.O., Warren Buffett (93). All these individuals are considered to be at the top of their professions, and yet I would not be surprised if they are more forgetful and absent-minded than when they were younger. In other words, an individual’s age does not say anything definitive about the person’s cognitive status or where it will head in the near future. — Dr Charan Ranganath #quotes #quote #Biden #age #Leadership #Competence #Unity #uspolitics #politics

'Lawless' Elise Stefanik ​disqualified herself from being V.P.: Mike Pence's ex-lawyer - Raw Story

Hakeem Jeffries, who says he plans to use “every” possible tool to force a vote on $95.3 billion Senate aid package, says Dems will begin discussing tonight and tomorrow the “precise” steps they will try to take to force a vote.

Only real option — in the face of Johnson’s opposition — is to get enough Rs to sign a discharge petition and force a floor vote, a complicated and rarely successful maneuver

So republicans are saying trump was "joking" when he encouraged Russia to invade NATO allies, but they also think that Joe Biden's Dark Brandon Super Bowl tweet confirms Taylor Swift is a Pentagon Psy Op. Do I have that right?

breaking news: local cat stages daring escape from conformity


@alexip718 Obviously Ms Kornbluth is having troubles condemning the antisemitism & pro-Hamas terrorist demagoguery of the "Coalition Against Jews".

Shortly after the massacre, the MIT Coalition Against Apartheid and Palestine released a joint statement that seemingly rationalized Hamas’ violence. “We affirm the right of all occupied peoples to resist oppression and colonization,” the statement read, adding that the campus groups were “committed to supporting decolonization efforts in Palestine.”

Faculty member Michel DeGraff later lauded the Coalition Against Apartheid’s “moral clarity” and advocacy for Palestinians, which, he wrote in the MIT Faculty Newsletter, “inspires us to honor the humanity of us all — from the river to the sea, from Gaza to MIT.”
#IsraelPalestine #Antisemitism #October7 #HamasMassacres #EndTerrorism #MIT #Kornbluth #CodeOfConduct #PeaceSalaamShalom #UnitedInDiversity #StrongerTogether

#News - Foremost shipping millionaire with ties to Chinese govt dead. Also:
"Her sister Elaine is married to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. Information on other survivors was not immediately available."

Democrats appreciate how important it is to stop 21st century's Hitler, Putin, so they compromised tons in order to put a Republican border bill together with aid for our allies, but that wasn't good enough for them since Putin didn't approve.

At least, if we have to wait until next Congress for a new law to address our crisis at our borders then now we'll be able to provide citizenship for Dreamers too along with other compassionate policies we want to add.

@Incognitim I truly cannot understand this: feels like I’m a Twilight Zone episode. People pretending like blatant lies that potentially upset the world order are fine from one presidential candidate, while a clearly trivial transgression from the other is a national issue.

I’m increasingly reverting to my original opinion of people.


Every mention of this story should include the fact that the House Republicans, who are pretending to care about border security, are simultaneously refusing to vote for border security.

#HouseRepublicans #nonsense #bullshit #politics

New Anti-Woke School Board Association - Another right-wing we sound reasonable but are out to destroy public education billionaire paid group. #privatization

@DemocracyMattersALot Why don't those making America move forward in quantum leaps get talked about, while loudmouthed morons looting Americans & defrauding all taxpayers are undeservedly (& corruptly?) getting all MSM's headlines space?

Come on, Donaldimir is just 3 years behind Joe Biden's 81.

And Joe's decades of economic success, moral integrity, unwavering patriotism & lifelong independence from Russian boots on his neck.

Via Acyn:

Michael Cohen: I gotta be very clear on this. Lara is an idiot. I don’t say it to be mean, I say it because it’s true. In fact, Donald didn’t even like her for many years. He didn’t even want Eric to marry her.. Not only did he make fun of her looks, so did Don and Ivanka. #Trump #RNC

“History will not look kindly on House Republicans for their blatant act of unconstitutional partisanship that has targeted an honorable public servant in order to play petty political games.” - Statement from President Biden on impeachment of DHS Secretary Mayorkas

@GottaLaff Steve Scalise now lying his ass off on MSNBC. Why they give these domestic terrorists air time defies all logic…

Sick politics at its worst. The GOP owns the border crisis. Do not let them tell you any different. They own it lock, stock, and barrel.

Republicans impeach Alejandro Mayorkas over the border after failing to last week:

The Lakewood church shooter, Genesee Moreno, was a cisgender woman.

Prominent Republicans, including Fox News, "Libs of Tik Toks," and Marjorie Taylor Greene, are falsely claiming that the shooter was transgender. They're telling this lie as a pretext for the even more viciously hateful anti-LGBTQ laws that they will enact, if we let them win this November.

Please, please don't let them win.


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