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Farewell to a talented composer and a funny guy. I loved listening to "Schickele Mix." If you haven't heard Peter Schickele's... sorry, I mean P.D.Q. Bach's "Music for an Awful Lot of Winds and Percussion," you should check it out. This is one of the funnier obituaries you will ever read. #Music #Comedy #PeterSchickele

The #pharmacists were instructed this week that they cannot fill #misoprostol, #mifepristone or #methotrexate if the Rx is for fewer than 7 days and the diagnosis is #abortion. At that point, pharmacists have been instructed to tell the patient to get it from their doctor.

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The Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska has filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Army, seeking the return of the remains of two children who died at the infamous Carlisle Indian Industrial School #native #axios

#Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves is calling a special session so the legislature can appropriate $350 million to bring an electric vehicle battery factory to the state. Getting electric vehicles built and carbon out of the atmosphere is no longer a partisan issue.

If you understand that Covid is airborne, and you can wear a mask, but you choose not to in crowded environments, at the supermarket, in the doctors etc… you’re behaving irresponsibly.

If you’re a healthcare worker and doing these things at work, you’re behaving dangerously irresponsibly.

If you know better, do better.

@TonyStark You know they're racist when they'd rather put children and senior citizens to work rather than allow an immigrant desperate to work through the southern border.

Another Republican is retiring.

It is going to be very difficult for Republicans to hold onto that majority in the House, particularly once you factor in all those angry women who normally don't vote coming to the polls over the abortion issue.

Like the song says, anger is a gift.

“For too long, some banks have charged exorbitant overdraft fees — sometimes $30 or more — that often hit the most vulnerable Americans the hardest… Banks call it a service — I call it exploitation.” -President Biden on a new rule to limit bank overdraft fees.

48/ Press:

Now: Jury entering!
Roberta Kaplan: In these four years, there have been times you've felt OK?
Carroll: Oh yes. Buoyant.
RK: Now let's get to the CNN Town Hall.: And this disk, did you sign it?
Carroll: Yes, ECJ. I followed along - the transcript is accurate.
Madaio: Objection, Your Honor.
🔥👉🏼Judge Kaplan: One lawyer per witness and you're not it.
Habba: What rule is that?
[Me: LOVE THIS JUDGE] Judge Kaplan: My order this morning. You heard it

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@GottaLaff Trumpitis. She just won’t stop talking crap, and MSM just won’t stop giving her oxygen.

47/ Press:

They're back.
Judge Kaplan: I understand there is an application.
[Me: OMFG. Of course they do. 🤦🏻‍♀️]
Trump's lawyer Madaio: We move for recusal. Shawn Crowley is a former law clerk, you accepted her representation... There is an atmosphere of hostility.
👉🏼💪🏼Judge Kaplan: Denied. #WompWomp

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Grotesque and counterproductive mode of dissent. I wish it wasn’t becoming the norm, but it is.

Doctors and nurses and cancer patients are going to end up dealing with this, not whoever these people are trying to target. The rest of it, I’m out of words for.

Pro-Palestinian protesters target Memorial Sloan Kettering cancer center, accusing it of 'genocide' -

Via Scott MacFarlane:

Rep Dan Goldman (D-NY) intros resolution to censure Rep Elise Stefanik (R-NY), arguing she supports "Jan6 insurrectionists"

Goldman: "Stefanik referred to the duly convicted insurrectionists as ‘hostages" .. & alleges she's spread Trump "conspiracy theories"

🙄Response from Stefanik spot: "Failed Far Left House Dems are in absolute desperate free fall that Elise Stefanik continues to be one of the most effective Members of Congress going on offense every single day..."

This is what qualifies as good news these days

“Poland’s parliament has voted to remove the immunity from prosecution of a lawmaker who used a fire extinguisher to put out Jewish Hanukkah candles in the country’s parliament in December, an incident that caused international outrage.”

#Antisemitism #Chanukah #Hanukkah #News

2/ And via Acyn:

Moskowitz: She brought up that Obama deported more people than Trump. Hold on a second. If the border wasn’t a problem until Biden was elected, then how were we deporting all of these people? This situation has been going on for decades so stop lying…

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Crockett rocket! Via Aaron Rupar:

Crockett: "We are here today having a hearing and the pro-life party does not want to talk about the fact that there was basically state-sanctioned death at the Texas border."

"We also know that the gentlelady from Florida [Rep. Luna], who happens to be the only member to give birth this session, specifically admitted that she actually wants a child separation policy. I can't think of something more ironic."

I can’t believe I pay good money for a gym membership but when I get there they make ME do all the work.

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