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Chick-fil-a funds homophobia, unlivable wages and child labor, just another fine christian ameican company.

"A Mississippi slaughterhouse that supplies chicken to Chick-fil-A is directly to blame for the death of a 16-year-old worker who was sucked into equipment and killed within minutes, OSHA said."
#CapitalismIsKillingYOU #StrikeReady2024

Senate Dems must investigate, hold #TFG responsible, & let the public know of the wrongdoing & crimes by #TFG & the GOP MOC who've covered up & aided him.

Raskin has approached Sen Dems & made the case that they might consider using their subpoena power to continue the investigation into the unconstitutional payments.

“I'm hopeful that our colleagues will explore any avenues they may have to recover the hidden info -Trump’s brazen pocketing of foreign govt payments-."

Don't mind me, just doing a #reintroduction.

Hi, I'm Vincent (they). I'm a #Black #queer and #nonbinary social worker and #PhD student based in #Tiohtiàke (#Montréal, #Québec). I spend most of my time reading, making or drinking #coffee, and supporting local drag. Et tout ça, autant en anglais qu'en #français.

Pixelfed: @vinmoose
Au quotidien project: @AuQuotidien

#Introduction #BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #AcademicMastodon #SocialWork @socialwork @academicchatter

CNN cancels New Hampshire debate after Trump, Haley decline invitation

No need for debates when the electron has already been decided.

silly things like primaries and debates are just obstacles on the way to declaring Dictator Spray Tan.

COVID barely gets a mention these days – here’s why that’s a dangerous situation #Covid #CovidIsNotOver #Pandemic

The United States experienced its second largest COVID wave of the pandemic in January 2024. For the year to December 2023, in England COVID rates peaked at around one in 24 people. During the same month, Singapore also experienced record COVID cases and a spike in hospitalisations.

Well, I asked my mom if she and my dad went to the caucuses:

"Nope. We didn't want to get COVID."

Excellent point. If you're a Republican who knows COVID is no joke, the last thing you want to do is hang out with other Republicans. 🤣🤣🤣

@taylorlorenz It can be all of the above. We know Putin and other state actors are doing their best to sow chaos and confusion whatever way they can. The Israeli-Palestine conflict is just one thing they can use no matter what the truth is.

We need to make it a top priority that Trump and the Republicans are removed from power. They are posed to make the Israeli-Palestine conflict seem like nothing and like the rise in Hitler lead to WWII, the rise of Trump will lead to WWIII

@tultican #TheHeadLiar told the truth when he said the Republican Party is dead, replaced by (anti-Democratic, anti-constitution, pro- fascist) MAGA (Shitballs)- ready to fuck up our lives if we let them. 😬

By this point
in the pandemic
you should understand
that contracting the virus
is not a moral failing
but is instead evidence
of our society’s failings
though this does not free you
from the obligation
to protect yourself and others.

My aunt, the doctor,
told me a new joke,
she asked:

How bad
is the pandemic
right now?

I said I did not know.
So she answered:

It’s so bad, that today,
the head of the CDC
said “We’re seeing
a lot of virus
circulating right now.”

And neither of us laughed.

The U.S. plans to put the #Houthis back on its list of foreign terrorist organizations, after months of attacks by the rebel group in the Red Sea -WSJ

Excellent from @sykescharlie: "Over the next months as anti-anti-Trump commentators make their transition back to rationalization and appeasement, they will assure us the Senate will serve as a check on Trump’s excesses and predations."

TL; DR: It won't.

Red🩸states reject immigration reform that'd allow more immigrants willing to do the work with dignity. Instead, elected leaders insist on employing children💔, which is illegal in many cases. Will the DOL enforce the regulations?

The right-wing think tank set 30 policy priorities, including removing barriers to have 14- and 15-year-olds join the labor force.

#ChildLabor #ImmigrationReform

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