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Starting soon, I think I’m going to be sharing a lot of this guy with you. I’ll be picking him up within the next few weeks, but I love him already. Isn’t he the cutest?!

I’m really ok with billionaires, the few I know are all socially responsible and worked hard but of course had luck as well. Won’t debate that part. I will say if there *is* an argument against a billionaire class it’s Musk. The absurd amount of power he controls just through Starlink makes me very nervous. My fears are far more centered around humans like Musk and his ilk as opposed to AI.

Our NRA World: 62yo Texas gunslinger officiating a wedding in Nebraska fires his gun to to get everyone's attention and hits a child in the shoulder. It happens.

I’m a cowboy…

On a steel horse I ride…

And I’m wanted…

For unethical horse metallurgical engineering

It does not matter if parents consent to a child’s “sexual identity”. Queer and trans kids will be queer and trans. It is not a choice.

What Trudeau and others like him want is for those gay and trans kids to be safe. What Poilievre and these other assholes want is for those kids to be in the closet or dead. #CdnPoli #TransRightsAreHumanRights

I am reminded it is Banned Books Week.

Here's the truth: Someone in your neighborhood is trying to ban books, especially books with queer characters and non-white characters. The books they're trying to ban are primarily written for teen audience, or are written for adult audiences and have teen appeal. They want the books banned because you can intimidate a teenager or a young adult into not being their full selves. Books, by virtue of being inanimate, cannot be bullied into hiding.

@Ulrich_the_Elder Even when he's gone, Trumpism/fascism is here to stay now.

That's the horrifying part.

General John Kelly,

Now that you have FINALLY confirmed the “suckers and losers” and other derogatory comments Trump made about wounded soldiers and vets, I implore you to say it on camera.

It’s a plea being made by vets on behalf of vets.

Go on camera for us.

"I think it's very unfair I don't have a jury" -- Trump, who doesn't have a jury because his lawyers elected not to have one

This Virginia mom challenges one school book a week. She’s had dozens removed. - The Washington Post

1.4 Million Wealthy Americans Are Evading Nearly $66 Billion in Federal Taxes

More than 1.4 million wealthy Americans have still not filed their taxes for 2017-20 years, with the total amount owed to the federal government reaching "a whopping $65.7 billion"—almost enough to fund a universal childcare program for one year or a universal school lunch program for more than two years.

Attorney: Do you have any concerns about weighing the facts of this case without bias?

Me: I do whatever Satan commands of me.

BOOM. Out of jury duty.

@AlliFlowers What a good mess for . It is reported the gun shop owner bragged on line about selling it, Trump said he needed to buy it. Later the seller erased his comments. Was a Fed background check (required) conducted? Follow the money and paper trail… 🤔

@tezoatlipoca It's much like how they try to make us think that "raising wages for workers will cost more for consumers".... AS IF WE AREN'T THE SAME PEOPLE.

#Jimmycarter said this in 2015

On the nationally syndicated radio show the Thom Hartmann Program:

…"the United States is now an #oligarchy in which “unlimited political #bribery” has created “a complete subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors.

" Both Democrats and Republicans, Carter said, “look upon this unlimited money as a great benefit to themselves.”

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