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All I'm saying is a lot of Christians in this country should be a lot more careful.

Because if there really is a Judgment Day, they're gonna have to spend all 24 hours explaining how crappily they treated everyone.

Abortion impasse that has stalled military promotions fires up defense secretary
The chief of U.S. naval operations officially stepped down Monday, bringing the total of military branches without a Senate-confirmed leader up to three as the standoff on Senate confirmation votes stretches into a fifth month.
#Tucson #Arizona

Trump said he’s going to show evidence he’s innocent at a press conference at his Bedminster golf club. Sure he will, just like he was going to announce his infrastructure plan, or healthcare plan or his release his taxes. It’s all bullshit. He has no evidence, he’s just lying over and over and over so his stupid cult followers will rise up to defend him. #LockTrumpUp #TrumpForPrison

Carol Burris: How Teachers Should Teach PragerU Videos - Use them to teach students how to debunk propaganda and disinformation campaigns such as the non-existent "left-wing propaganda" in public schools. via @dianeravitch #Gaslighting

@hannu_ikonen A now-former friend, out of the blue, said this shit to me:

"Yes, the Holocaust was horrible and tragic, but consider how well the survivors did for themselves by starting independent businesses."

"Jews are hated everywhere, but consider how well they've done for themselves by starting independent businesses."


"The 'Good Germans' were good."

This person knows I'm Jewish.

The audacity!

It was the last time we ever spoke.

Hawaii had the world's highest literacy rate (98%), world's first universal healthcare, renewable hydro-powered cities, near-zero homelessness and actual racial equality. The US invaded, destroyed our system, & banned our language and culture, turning us into a slave plantation.

"In Georgia, it’s a felony conviction that carries a prison term of five to 20 years; a fine of $25,000 or three times the amount of money gained from the criminal activity, whichever is greater; or both a prison sentence and a fine..."

From what I understand, if you get more than the minimum of five years, you must wait the entire five years before you can even petition for appeal.

Passing this along if you havent read it; it has excellent info.

@makkhorn Fani Willis would have checked with Chris Christie first, but she couldn't get over the bridge to see him. Traffic problem, I guess.

@chrisgeidner Many of us tend to regard as the problem, but easily argued it’s the minions, suckers, , millions of them, and the multitude of co-conspirators that turned him into anything other than a minor corrupt sociopath, businessman, New York based crook and laughing stock for any leadership position. This is a collective failure. It could be argued our society is on the verge of collapse. 😣

@Teri_Kanefield I’m totally struck by Eastman referring to the ‘right of revolution’ as a PROVISION of the Declaration of Independence, rather than as a proposition. The man is an intellectual incompetent, somehow always destined to become a traitor.

War on librarians continues, beloved head town librarian who refused to censor books, ousted by a small group of conservatives

Some have questioned whether DeSantis was trying to buy an endorsement from the group's influential leader.

Ron DeSantis paid $95,000 to an anti-LGBTQ+ hate group - #LGBTQ Nation

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