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Lithuania sends out a questionnaire about the war to residents with a Russian background. A total of 1164 Russians fall for it and provide pro-war answers, and Lithuania has now given them 30 days to pack up and leave the country.

Safe travels. Georgia sues True the Vote group over refusal to produce evidence of '2000 Mules' hoax claims
ATLANTA - The Georgia State Election Board is asking a judge to order a conservative voting organization to produce information to help investigate its claims of ballot trafficking in the state #2000MulesLies #thebiglieexposed
#magaextremistslies #ArrestTrumpsAccomplices #TrumpLiesAllTheTime #GOPelectionFraud

It is August, which means that PhD admissions season is getting started! If you or someone you know is applying for #PhD programs (especially in the U.S. and especially in STEM or lab-based disciplines and double especially in computing fields), I have a whole YouTube playlist full of PhD admissions advice--because wow, is there some hidden curriculum. This post has an overview and links to the most of the videos:

"History will judge them harshly."

Do you really think that matters to them? They'll be long gone when History--which can't judge anything, it can only be recorded and people learn/remember what took place--"judges" them.

And it'll be too late by then anyway. And they don't care. At all.

Can we maybe choose a different phrase? Like, say, "These vile fascists are total assholes who are destroying democracy and need to be stopped STAT"? How's that?

You're welcome. #ImPissed THREAD🪡 1/…

YOUR MONEY OR YOUR LIFE!! this will make your blood boil ...

Just when you think our predatory for-profit ‘healthcare’ system cannot get any worse a #Louisville hospital is caught dumping sick elderly patients on the sidewalk & leaving them


#Trump is running to become the leader of a country he is “alleged” to not only have attacked, but also to have denied its citizens of their #RightToVote & have their #vote counted, the core defining principles on which a democratic republic is based. If the allegations are proven, he cannot be allowed to run let alone win. People must have this information #unfiltered w/o #spin.

#PetitionToTeleviseTrumpTrial #TeleviseTrumpTrial #TrumpTrial

Idle Thought: Most of Trump's core MAGAts, like those who show up dressed as clowns at his rallies and arraignments, can't read at a grade level required to understand his indictments.


Report: A “listless” King Charles III abjectly wanders Clarence House, complains that it’s not fair that he can’t declare war against foreign empires.

Notes from Glenn Kirschner: Donald Trump seemed to shuffle into court, and wouldn't make eye contact with Jack Smith, who was laser-focused on him. Maybe reality is seeping in after three criminal indictments and a 4th looming.

US "condemns a Russian court’s further sentencing and conviction of opposition politician and anti-corruption campaigner Aleksey Navalny to an additional 19 years in prison on unfounded charges of so-called 'extremism.' This is an unjust conclusion to an unjust trial." -- State Dept.

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Seems like Donald and his team are going to argue that the electoral count act is ambiguous and hope SCOTUS agrees. Trump has been floating that defense for a while, saying “even congress had to fix the law recently”. He will argue that it’s okay to delay the electoral count.

The Seventh Circuit reaffirmed a 6-year-old ruling in favor of trans students' rights earlier this week, but a concurring opinion from Judge Frank Easterbrook, a Reagan appointee, did serve as a potential warning sign on the path ahead for these cases.

fantasizes about “slitting throats on day one”. Welcome to Nazi America 2023.😬 And this sad excuse for a human being is running for President or to be ’s No.2…🤬 This is something that America at large ignores at our peril. However, if we live in a sane country, it should put the final nails n the GOP coffin, but I’m not holding my breath.🤔

Trying to imagine what it’s like to be Ron DeSantis and watching your opponent on his THIRD criminal indictment yet continue to lap you in the polls while you focus on critical societal issues like whether Bud Light and AP Psychology are too woke.

A genuine tragedy for this illustrious gentleman.

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