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A North Korean Type 73 light machine gun used by Russian forces:

Despite its slight resemblence to the British "Bren" LMG, it's an obscure off-shoot of the Soviet PKM, designed and produced in North Korea.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO I’ve said all along that if Dems lost, we’d never have another election. @copter_chief

What Republicans Tell You It's About: The economy, stupid

What Republicans Are Actually About: Revenge, stupid


It's gonna be quite the contest. Trump with his sharpie vs. the deteriorating climate. The super hero vs. the laws of physics. Who will prevail??


Stop playing the blame game. There’s enough blame to go around. There is no one person or group responsible, and there is no one reason that caused it. Let’s move on.

@FallsMom @TheBreadmonkey I’ve found it just the reverse. Tons on Hoopla, and very limited library on Libby. I guess YMMV.

War is coming, it's a matter of time. Ukraine is dead, Taiwan will finally become a province of China. Prepare.

@GottaLaff Vice President Harris is truly a hero. And while she’s not president, she’s still our great, and favorite Vice President. We still have November, and December to enjoy VP Harris and Pres. Biden’s amazing leadership. We’ll just have to savor every last minute we have with them in power…

PS: if i was Pres. Biden, I would sign into law everything he can… Oh, and two months with Joe and Kamala is better than nothing…

Trump election 

@paco it's horrible. And such a terrible scenario for Palestinians and Ukrainians. Such despair.

Will Repugnicans finally stop saying that teachers and professors are brainwashing everyone? If we are, we are clearly not very good at it

Those who DO learn from history are doomed to watch others repeat it anyway.

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