I just have one thing to say, then I am out.

What bothers me most is not the final result, although that is horrific. What bothers me most is that a majority of people in this state -- including my sick (physically) old lady neighbor actually want this. All of it. The sexism, the racism, the fascism, the exceptionalism.

A majority of people in this country want that and all the campaign money in the world could not change it. People in Missouri passed an amendment protecting them from Republicans (an abortion ban ban) and then voted for Republicans. As long as the racism, sexism and fascism applies to someone else, they are all for it.

Our country is rotten to the core and this might actually be the end of our democracy -- and the people who voted for the GOP will be cheering for it.

#USPol #Election #TFG

@MylesRyden @uspolitics To those who insisted that's not who "we" are, I regret to repeat myself: That is, indeed, who "we" are.

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