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@jgobble There’s your problem. I watch on Sling TV. No problem.

Donald Trump Jr. joked he might flee to a "non-extradition country" if his father loses the election, hinting at paranoia over potential legal consequences. This half-serious threat underscores the Trump camp's fear of accountability. If they genuinely see American justice as a "gulag," it reveals just how little faith they have in their own integrity.

The “Theory of Hope Act” was signed into law in #Pennsylvania on October 29, establishing a statewide rape kit tracking system. This legislation impacts 4.15 million survivors in the state of Pennsylvania.

Via Kyle Cheney:

HAPPENING NOW: A federal judge in #Georgia has thrown out the RNC's claim that Georgia counties broke the law by accepting absentee ballots over the weekend.

The judge says their complaint lacked a "basic level of statutory review and reading comprehension."

Feel the jealousy coming out of Alabama, Mississippi, and New Hampshire?

@andreasio Right. Pop must be deleted individually on all devices/clients. @LJ

@mikemccaffrey Bad weather hasn’t changed trailer parks. I doubt it would affect stacks. @simonzerafa

@andreasio Pop leaves . everywhere. You have to delete from each location. IMAP syncs to all devices. @LJ

my message to american voters 

and let me tell you something. we, kazakh people, are neighbors with russia too. if russia wins and swallows ukraine whole, it will create a precedent where nobody of the nations colonized by russia can even be remotely safe again. this empire tried to kill us and bleed us dry, and i do not want them to be emboldened to make a comeback. enough of that shit. we lived centuries underneath them.

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@nomdeb This is why education is my number one priority. The right wants to take away education opportunities for everyone but the richest.

@leswarden Where are you down here? I’m in Baldwin County and the line was crazy. @skykiss

@LJ Just make sure the client is set to pop and not IMAP.

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