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Where is Hillary Clinton? I'm so happy for her especially!!

@Wileymiller And remind everyone that a convicted felon cannot serve in the military, so how can one serve as commander in chief?!

What the DNC should do immediately is make it a permanent rule that a convicted felon cannot be candidate for the party at any level as a shot across the RNC bow heading into their convention.


By a freakish coincidence, this Doonesbury comic about Nixon, the first one dropped from the Post in many years (but not Doonesbury's last) came out on May 31, 1973 - fifty-one years ago today, less one day.

Actually, Garry Trudeau can run it tomorrow morning, the exact 51st anniversary.

Just an advisory to all American friends:

His new first name is "Convicted Felon", the full name must be used henceforth:

Convicted Felon Donald Trump.

@MsMissy @heidilifeldman @Lana @GottaLaff @Nonilex I came here to say exactly this. Everything Trump now says and does that fails to show contrition may be considered at sentencing and increases the likelihood of him facing jail time.

Jen Psaki just said that convicted felons don’t get classified briefings. So Joe Biden doesn’t have to make that move and experience the wrath that will surely follow. Good!

Our media will endlessly broadcast Trump's lies about his investigations and indictments being a #WitchHunt but they'll never accurately describe the Republican efforts to take down Joe Biden through his son Hunter as an actual Witch Hunt.

Why is that?

@tomiahonen You’re really trying to give Randy Rainbow a run for his money today, aren’t you. 😂


They found me guilty, guilty
That's what they just told me
Guilty on all counts
Jury found no doubts
Bigly guilty on all counts

I was sick and tired of everything
when I farted there in that courtroom
All I do is sit and sit and stare
At these witnesses spelling my doom...

“Mrs. Alito Isn't the Problem: Justice Alito lied to the media and to the public. His judicial integrity cannot be trusted. And he doesn't care that you know it.”

Those 34 felonies are the only convictions the man has, folks.

There's your Biden line.

I guess TFG, which used to stand for:

The Former Guy

Now stands for:

The Felon Guy


I hope the jury & judge & the lawyers & the DA & their families are protected & safe. The convict better not target them. But we know he will.

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So the Democrats had the first woman to be nominated for President and the Republicans have the first convicted felon to be nominated for President.

Quite a distinction in the glass ceiling being broken.

Okay, the trial is now over. Can we please talk about some of the other damn issues that we face.

Have you heard about Erik Prince's WhatsApp messages to Nazis that just broke today?

It seems like a great time to share this prophetic tweet from Lindsey Graham.

Grateful for a fair judge, 12 New Yorkers who did their public service, and that we live in a country where the rule of law prevailed.

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