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completely discrete memory block from the return-vector stack (with guard pages), if only to fully eliminate that particular exploit attack surface.

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@pjakobs @kentindell @NRDSLR @kenshirriff
RISC-type designs often implement load/store+update as an "addressing mode", where the update part is an arbitrary offset (useful for scanning through small structs). x86 is somewat severely limited in that it can only scan scalars and only using the dedicated registers.

Hell, you can use any RISC-design register like a SP/BP – the day has come that the data content of the stack should be a

@AlliFlowers did you see this story? l mean yeah Birmingham is a long way away, but still. You gotta get the hell outta Mordor.

yoused boosted

Today is the Day of Remembrance for the Japanese American community. 81 years ago today, when I was just a boy of four, FDR signed Executive Order 9066, setting in motion the evacuation of people of Japanese descent from the West Coast and our long years of internment inside ten barbed wire prison camps.

We must never let such a thing happen again in America, and and we must strive everywhere to prevent the forced relocation and mass incarceration of innocent people. #NeverForget #NeverAgain

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