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@YadyO MY freedom matters, fuck YOURS

(oh, and, something something something responsibility)

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Narrator voice: "When threatened, the lithium-ion battery can expand up to twice its usual size"

A group called Moms for Liberty wants to ban "offensive" books. Something about that sentence confuses me.

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@jeffowski in Canada you'd probably be in the center. "Far left" in the US seems to be anyone with any of their humanity still intact

@fkamiah17 The smartest people in the world are the ones who can see their intellectual boundaries and listen to other people about what is beyond them. One person's vision almost always has serious flaws.

That said, if you heard it from a Tory, that is probably not how they meant it. It was just an excuse for doing nothing – excuses do not pay the rent.

@uspolitics I am furious that this worthless fuckwad is getting air at all. He makes a firm statement and finishes it with gibberish. He cannot even be arsed to lie or obfuscate, he just burbles. This has to fucking stop, now. Just shut the guy down.

@realTuckFrumper Why do you feel a need to post one more picture f him? Are we not weary of seeing that festering gob?

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Best part here: #MSNBC didn’t use a photo of the scumbag. The human in this story is Ms. Carroll. The scumbag of any report should never get free publicity like that.

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"I'm upset about abortions"
"Let's fund sex ed, contraceptives and health care for pregnant women, it will cause the number of abortions to decline dramatically."
"NO. Send the women & doctors to jail."

"I'm upset people jump the turnstyle"
"Let's properly fund the subway and make it free and faster while reducing overhead."
"NO. I want those bad teens ARRESTED."

"This dreary area under the bridge is DISGUSTING."
"Let's clean it up & install a public restroom."
"NO. Arrest people for pooping"

@dgar What was that movie called, "It's a Feature's Life" ?

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Yeah, it used to be shocking, absurd, even cute. But you obviously realize how stupid you are being. It has become tiresome. Like a toddler crying for attention. We are done with it, so just knock it off, all of you.

Or, you know, you can FTFO.

— rational people

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