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@amydiehl Every girl at puberty should be automatically be provided with a pair of cups and taught how to handle them (the spare would allow them to be swapped and the full one then cleaned out for the next swap. Then they should receive a replacement pair on turning 18 (or sooner, if necessary). Then this issue would go away for 90% of girls/women.

@Mxhrad and the last time he actually did face meaningful consequences was …

@Mxhrad unfortunately, this is not a criminal conviction, just a civil award. As such, he cannot be registered as a sex offender.

@Stybba3019 I prefer to omit the "/s" from what I write, hoping people will be able to figure it out.

@Teri_Kanefield there was a graph that showed a significant increase in transsexual identification among teens in the past decade – almost entirely in the F->M group. It is baffling that girls would not want to grow up to be women. I just cannot suss it.

@AlliFlowers l was giving it some thought the other day and had, shall we say, an epiphany.

Religion can make a believer feel really good. Not just emotionally, but also physically – I speak from 1st person experience. When you do the math, it is no different in sum than booze or sex or heroin or street racing, including all the negative side effects.

Proselytizers are truly no better than drug pushers or pimps and desperately need to be set on level footing with suchlike. the police are differentfrom a random gang of street thugs, really, they are, l have it right here somewhere, it is because ... because ... l mean, no, really, give me a minute ...

@yesjohn It will forever be known as the day Chuck wore a hat.

@atheistbot Imagine if you were called an "atheist" simply because some people decided you had to be *something*. Nothing is not OK (despite it being greater than god).

@joeinwynnewood the D agenda is largely SQ and widely supported while the R agenda ("Reactionary", 'we want the '50s back, don't ask which century') is not popular so it must be more important. Ends > means. Corruption is ok in support of *OUR* cause.

Now, it is true that "the majority" are usually wrong, in general, but that does not per se confer correct upon your random minority. If they are insane sociopaths (Rs), they can just FO.

@janum You should split-zone the dock so that we could click the upper half for ordinary action or the lower for dock utility – which would be opt-in behavior.

@rgegriff I was watching the Red Dwarf episode The Last Day on VLC and they were all starting to wake up all hung-over when suddenly it crashed. Lucky thing, too, because it probably would have caused the universe to implode when Lister got to the line "We're on a mining ship, three million years into deep space... can someone explain to me where the smeg I got this traffic cone?"

@cmaier Analogy: you want a dominos pizza? would you like The Onion on that?

Exact same concept.

completely discrete memory block from the return-vector stack (with guard pages), if only to fully eliminate that particular exploit attack surface.

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@pjakobs @kentindell @NRDSLR @kenshirriff
RISC-type designs often implement load/store+update as an "addressing mode", where the update part is an arbitrary offset (useful for scanning through small structs). x86 is somewat severely limited in that it can only scan scalars and only using the dedicated registers.

Hell, you can use any RISC-design register like a SP/BP – the day has come that the data content of the stack should be a AFAICT, economic growth is necessary to support the needs of the finance industry. We need more so that the profits/dividends/interest formula can be maintained, so the wealth can continue to flow upward. It may be possible to establish a stable steady-state economy, but that would be a long reach and a shedding of most of our treasured economic paradigms. Governments continue to subsidize fossil fuel use because without it, maintaining control of their own nations becomes much more difficult. How do you manage an empire in this day and age without heavy mobility? There is just no substitute for them. IOW, the problem lies beyond merely the stuff itself but at a deeper level. The oligarchy(oiligarchy?)/plutocracy must be protected from the severe dangers of an equitable socioeconomic order

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