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@AlliFlowers Isn't it perfectly obvious by now that Melania is Trump's Russian handler? Grifter is minimizing the espionage role she has played. How about we label her a spy and traitor.

@selzero @dalias Sounds to me like you are advocating for denormalization. Which I have a hard time arguing against, since the current “normal” is pretty darn fu.

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No, being on call 24/7 and/or having no days off is not doable. Employers who say it is are abusing and exploiting you.

Pushing people to get more done in the same amount of time is likewise counter-productive.

Human beings are not machines, and the plantation mentality needs to stop.

"Is there anything more tedious than the endless drive to make every waking moment more productive? “If I can save ten seconds on a process that happens ten times per day, that’s a minute and 40 seconds saved per day,” a productivity guru recently advised in Time magazine, to take just one example. “Over the course of a year, that’s ten hours saved.”

#Employment #Jobs #PredatoryCapitalism #Capitalism

@alpine_thistle @Huntn00 I am most certainly not culturally catholic. Not even close.

@alpine_thistle @Huntn00 Believe whatsoever it is that makes you happy, but fail to turn it into a religion unless you want to obtain power, control and wealth.

Remember, the Pope has had literal martial armies in the past.

@gtconway3 I remember Aarpy, he was that character in Catch-22.

@Huntn00 @alpine_thistle or, perhaps, religion is about power, control and wealth.

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Wars are not fought "over religion." Wars are fought over property, and religion is used to justify it.

@brndnpink He was married to Lalla Ward. For much longer than Tom Baker was. That has earned my respect for him.

@futurebird @jfslicer @MikeElgan Which is to say, it does NOT contain the US Constitution. One does not get to pick and choose what parts of the Constitution belong in it.

@amydiehl You have one of those doctorate thingies – has it taught how much you do not know?

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I’m, ‘using a spoon to pry open your Nestle's Quik tin to get at all that chocolaty goodness’ years old.

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Happy Birthday to my Dad. He was a kind person with infinite patience, a wonderful sense of humor, a sharp mind, and a relaxed view of life. I miss him.

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Feathered Elegance: A Cardinal’s Profile

Here is a female northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) perched upon the tip of one of the posts of my fence. Often the females are the colors of sunset, as is this one.

My photo gallery contains more that 700 images that I've chosen to share. Most are there for their visual appeal but there are a few novelty images. You can check out my gallery at:


#photo #photography #photographer #photographylovers #wildlife #nature #bird #birds #birding #birdsofmastodon #birdwatching #birdphotography #NorthernCardinal

@krassensteins I am a child. I am 12 years old – have been for decades. But I also understand complexity. In fact, I almost had a decent grasp on complexity in the early ‘70s.

There is a difference between being childish and being inquisitively childlike.

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A Glimpse of the Elusive Thrasher

This is a brown thrasher (Toxostoma rufum), when I took the photo, I thought it to be a finch.

"It can be tricky to glimpse a Brown Thrasher in a tangled mass of shrubbery, and once you do you may wonder how such a boldly patterned, gangly bird could stay so hidden. Brown Thrashers wear a somewhat severe expression thanks to their heavy, slightly downcurved bill and staring yellow eyes, and they are the only thrasher species east of Texas. Brown Thrashers are exuberant singers, with one of the largest repertoires of any North American songbird." -

Check out my photo gallery at:


#photo #photography #photographer #photographylovers #wildlife #nature #bird #birds #birding #birdsofmastodon #birdwatching #birdphotography #BrownThrasher

@jalefkowit Whatever you do, if you have an android phone, never, NEVER open the Google (search) app. I hit it by mistake and suddenly my phone decided I wanted to have a Google search box at the bottom of the home screen. I tried to make it go away, but Android is owned by Google, so it would not let me make it go away.

(And my browser defaults to DDG for searches – you would think they would get a clue.)

@georgetakei I was on acid the first time I saw Wrath of Khan. It was hilarious. But then (they had double-features back then) the next movie was Blade Runner.

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