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I wrote about how Twitter and Threads prove that algorithms are a bad way to curate social networks that need to be timely and reliable. And how Bluesky benefits from turning the job back to humans.

"How America was not founded as 'a Christian country' based on 'Judeo-Christian' values."

Mia Brett nicely critiques how "Judeo-Christian" values isn't a thing, but an example of Christians attempting to appear inclusive when they do the opposite.

Nor was America founded on religion. It was founded on a novel rejection of the standard European, medieval, and late Roman model, in which govt sponsored a single state religion.

"For some reason, the direct transfer of $18 million by a foreign national being prosecuted by the SEC to the president-elect has not been deemed worthy of meaningful coverage"

Trump v. Clinton: The media double standard on the influence of foreign cash

⚡️Mummy, What Does Genocide Look Like?

"Darling, Forcible Transfer of the group into another group looks like these scenes along the Dnieper river in Kherson.

"You see, Ruschist TV shows genocide for entertainment. It's all they've got now."


U.S. 🇺🇸 Reports 2.828 million New COVID-19 Infections in One Week

Currently, 1 in 118 Americans is Infected with COVID-19

COVID-19 transmission is currently higher than it was during 47.6% of the pandemic


The children always suffer the consequences of their elders in every nation.
Palestine is not special in this regard.

Americans who voted for trump are like Palestinians who voted for Hamas.

Thou shalt not groove to the YMCA while marginalizing the communities that made the song iconic.

And the answer is: לשנה הבאה בירושלים הבנויה

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"Nobody defines [George H.W. Bush's] presidency, or his political character, by the fact that he pardoned his son. Hell, it wasn't even defined by the fact that Poppy pardoned everyone except Shoeless Joe Jackson on his way out the door so as to obscure forever his involvement in the Iran-Contra scandal."

(5 December: N.B. /21 below — Esquire has retracted Pierce's claim that Bush pardoned his son.)

#Trump #Biden #GeorgeHWBush #GeorgeBush #pardon #media

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To put it into perspective, the original announcement was made just before midnight local time and it is now just after 5 in the morning local

This means many Koreans just slept through this whole thing lmao

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@jeremy_pm @rameshgupta @GreenFire there was no genocide but now there will be thanks to you Trump supporters

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