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Here’s a story that should receive some renewed attention: While serving as Attorney General of Florida, Pam Bondi had the Governor reschedule an execution so she could attend a campaign fundraiser.


Dangerous Bird Flu Strain in British Columbia Teen Linked to 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic

D1.1 Bird Flu in BC Teen has HA: E190D and PB2: E627K mutations, same as the 1918 Spanish Flu that killed millions.

Until the Holocaust, the Spanish Inquisition was the defining moment of the Jewish Diaspora. And that it ultimately happened on Tisha B’Av, the date of the destruction of both Jewish Temples and the sacking of Jerusalem in 70 CE was a reminder of the level of tragedy.

I don’t think the news articles I was greeted with this morning, involving non-peer reviewed DNA claims involving Sephardic Jewry really considered the years of forced conversions, the awful Spanish treatment of even the “New Christians,” or the actual ramifications of pushing yet another tenuous genetic claim in the context of a time of the end of the Sephardic Golden Age and the destruction of the Spanish Sephardic Jewish community, something that harmed both Jews and Spain for generations.

But that’s unsurprising. What’s the need for historical context when you have an agenda to pursue?

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Give a man a fish, and you’ll feed him for a day; give him a #religion, and he’ll starve to death while #praying for a fish.

#atheism #faith #god

@PandaChronicle @TonyStark @samiamsam

This is what I can't understand at all from the republicans who've embraced the madness. They constantly complain about "small government" and getting their hands off our stuff.

But more and more over the years it doesn't occur to them that while they say "small government", in the same sentence they praise actions that would put the government in our bedrooms, workplaces, etc. far more than at any time in history.

It occurred to me that they want "small government" for THEMSELVES because they think they are "the good ones" and everyone else deserves to be surveilled, taxed, and ridiculed to kingdom come.

The real trouble comes when all the opposition has been "dealt with" one way or another... the violence is a perpetual hate machine and will need a new target eventually... like the ones who were already on its side. Happened to every regime in history that wasn't taken down by external forces first.

But they won't learn that. Not in time.

We keep some open cell plastic foam on the bottom to help soak up all the veg goo 😁
The answer Is just to eat veg quickly.
I'm a Politician.

BREAKING: U.S. Reports 2.37 Million New COVID-19 Infections in One Week

Currently, 1 in 141 Americans is Infected with COVID-19

COVID-19 transmission is currently higher than it was during 40.6% of the pandemic.

The United States has seen a significant surge in COVID-19 cases, with 2.37 million new infections reported in just one week.

"Good trouble."

A hacker accessed sealed testimony accusing Matt Gaetz of sex with a minor, raising questions about his attorney general nomination. Though he denies the claims and wasn’t charged, the leak could affect the House Ethics Committee’s decision on releasing its report.

NY judge should sentence Trump even if carrying out the sentence is suspended through the 2028 election. But he should be sentenced like anyone else who was found guilty of 34 felonies by a jury.

I think I need a politician. They seem to be experts in everything from economics to medicine. I need a refrigerator with a new design. I’d like a congressman to build me a new fridge without the so-called vegetable crispers that don’t have room for much and certainly don’t provide any “crisping” functionality. Surely a politician can handle such a simple task.

WEST PALM BEACH, Florida - Donald Trump selects North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson to be Education Secretary.

@jeffjarvis The American “Gleichschaltung” begins. Toadies like George Will always think showing their Aryan certificates to the Gauleiter will keep them out of the cattle cars. Yeah, of course nobody wants to fight who has mouths to feed. Sad, but very human. An old friend of mine who left Berlin with her family as a 12 year-old in 1936 once told me about watching uniformed SA thugs putting “We know where you live, Jew” cards under the windshield wipers of cars on her block. That’s us now.

Who’s Afraid of Anne Frank? - The MAGA department of education and their NAZI supporters. via @nancyflanagan #EducationMatters

An open world sandbox game where you can bang and bribe sex workers, run real estates scams and reality TV gifts.

The main story arc is getting into politics, and ultimately US President.

Grand Theft Autocracy

#Puns #Memes #Trump #GTA #Gaming

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