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That’s not an exaggeration. Most middle-of-the-road German voters in 1932 thought the Nazis a little eccentric, but not in any way dangerous.


I hope Canada is paying attention to the lessons of the France situation.

It suggest two steps required. First, parties on the left need to work together to defeat the cons in ridings where they otherwise split the vote, and second the resulting cooperation needs to install ranked-ballot (like they all use internally, but don't let us have) for a proper proportional system.

#CDNpoli #France

⬆️ @greenfire @michalz00 @benroyce

>> #Democrats smell blood with #Trump and #StephenMiller trying to disown connections with #Project2025. Make it a rallying cry


From the Foreword by #KevinRoberts of #HeritageFoundation

>> low-income communities are drowning in… government dependence

He wants #Potus47 to help them.

Said Ronald #Reagan: "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help"

I dream of living in a country where a former president who stole classified documents would serve as long a term in prison as Reality Winner served for stealing one document (times the number of classified documents he stole).

The people of the UK and France showing us that there is a path forward is exactly what we needed to see right now.

pro tip: if they can imprison Steve Bannon for ignoring a legally-issued Congressional subpoena, they can imprison Jim Jordan for ignoring a legally-issued Congressional subpoena. this isn't fucking rocket science

Here's another conspiracy theory I totally believe in:
Fossil-fuel companies and producers manipulate gas prices (upward) in the run-up to summer vacation.

@bmalsuj @GreenFire @barney

The media sure does want us to commit political suicide, doesn't it?

Good thing Biden's not listening to this nonsense.

@bmalsuj @GreenFire @barney

The people chose Biden. The media wants to override the will of the people and usher in fascism.

Hard pass.

@bmalsuj @GreenFire @barney

The people chose Biden. We held primaries: he won.

This was a true primary: we truly wanted Biden, even though useful idiots such as yourself do not.

"Conservatives in red states turn their attention to ending no-fault divorce laws"

The interview makes clear, as like abortion, or birth control. Getting rid of no-fault divorce is about control.

Allowing for no fault divorce lead to a dramatic increase in the well being of women.

Removing it would have the opposite effect.

When conservatives talk about "tradition" this is a code for control.

Our parents and grandparents fought these battles why are we here again?

In Northern Ireland, Sinn Féin is now the largest political party. Voters turned on right-wing hardline Protestant Democratic Unionist Party, lost 3 of 8 parliamentary seats. In Scotland, Scottish National Party lost at least 38 seats; Labour gained. (Source: Guardian)

This line from NPR tells it all: “French voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly.”

#France #politics

from today's thing:

"if you haven’t heard about Project 2025, read on — and be prepared to be terrified.

Project 2025 is the Heritage Foundation’s 900-page blueprint for turning the United States into a Christian Nationalist dictatorship with Donny Convict permanently installed as King Fuckface the First.

it’s Mein Kampf meets The Handmaid’s Tale meets 1984, all rolled up into one big christofascist wet dream — and make no mistake: every fucking Republican is totally on board with it."

"Mainstream media have treated President Biden with prejudice and arrogance. …

The Biden administration is being held to standards, while the previous Trump administration is not; and Biden personally is being held to standards, while Trump as a person is not. This helps to generate a fascist aura."

~ Timothy Snyder

#Biden #Trump #media #fascism

Josh Marshall shares that the news from the French elections is "shockingly good" for those of us who have been alarmed at the precipitous rise of the hard right in Europe.

Many commentators expected Marine Le Pen's party to get a plurality of seats, but in fact it's coming in third not only behind the consolidated parties of the left forming the new United Front, but also behind Macron’s centrist party.

#France #LePen #election

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