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There are many people in the media that are planting fake stories about Biden that some high ranking Democrats think #POTUS should step down it's not true this is all done for the appearance that Biden is stepping down it's not true.

PS; Trump is a convicted rapist felon running to destroy America and making himself king

And #PresidentBiden who had done an extraordinary job as commander in chief and we are going to allow #CNN #MSNBC #NBC dictate America fate?
Stop it and get behind Biden.

No one is abandoning Biden so people should really drop the continued baloney.
President Biden has raked in 28 million in donations since the debate.
The Repukkklifucks have now went from pissing us off to fully enraging us.
Nation fucking wide.

Update: The DPRK fired a short-range ballistic missile to the northeast around 5:05 a.m. Seoul time (2005 GMT) from near Changyon, South Hwanghae Province, according to the ROK JCS which adds that another unknown ballistic missile was detected about 10 minutes later.

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When you saw only one set of footprints in the sand it was then that the New York Times was carrying Trump.

@DemocracyMattersALot And soon friends will name and shame friends, spouses will name and shame spouses, students will name and shame teachers, children will name and shame parents, etc. The world has been there before. It did not end well! #WWII #Nazis #Hitler #Democracy

"This fool tried to take credit for insulin prices," @RepJasmine said on Trump's debate lies as Dems panic over Biden. "He's now trying to take credit for MY legislation. I would have double-dog-dared him to tell me what bill that came out of." #Velshi

Political Term of the Week: GISH GALLOP

A "Gish Gallop" is a debate technique where a participant overwhelms their opponent with a rapid series of many arguments, half-truths, misrepresentations, and misleading statements, without regard for the accuracy or strength of those arguments. The purpose of this technique is to drown the opponent in a flood of points that are difficult to refute within the limited time available in a debate, thereby giving the impression that the speaker's position is stronger than it actually is. This tactic is named after Duane Gish, a creationist debater who frequently used this method. The Gish gallop is often criticized for promoting quantity over quality and for hindering meaningful, substantive discussion.

#politics #USpol #debate #trump #biden #GishGallop #WordOfTheWeek #TheMoreYouKnow

A stutterer with a cold or a convicted felon….

Yea, I’m voting for Biden. Anything else would be stupid.

I’ll take the guy with a cold who meandered a few times over a rapist, racist, traitor, lying convicted felon wannabe dictator who compromised national security repeatedly and botched every decision he had to make and sent the country into complete disrespect around the world while ruining SCOTUS for most of the rest of my life and doing insane amounts of damage to climate progress.

I’m voting for Biden, but I can’t lie and say he was great tonight cuz that’d be a gahtdamn lie. Tonight was terrible. #Debate2024


More people are watching this debate to worry over what it means to imaginary "voters" who somehow do not have any opinion.

Some are enjoying Trump because they enjoy him and think is funny and "tells it like it is"

Let this lull them into surprise for November. I detest Biden. I don't find him compelling. I have never liked him. And I will ensure he will win because it's the only viable option.

It's a very different kind of "enthusiasm" --

"I would be very happy to be someplace else, in a nice location someplace." -- Donald Trump in the debate

Oh don't worry, Donald. The department of corrections folks will make sure you have a nice location someplace.

I really cannot stress this enough: Biden was incredibly impressive on substance, depth, and breadth was all there. But he sounded weak unless he was angry. And, Trump's string of absurd lies and terrifying hatred was just insane. I know Mainstream Media and viewers are not going to focus on this, but they should because this is what counts for US.

How fast was your first modem? Boost if you feel the nostalgia?

Units omitted because nomenclature has shifted over time and IFKYK.

There should be an onscreen fact check like Newsmax just did when a guest (forget which GOP crazy it was) started in on election denial. Newsmax is facing a huge defamation lawsuit and ran a chyron saying "Newsmax accepts the 2020 election results as legal and fair." Networks can reject onscreen lies when they want to.

It's too much to ask for a Nickelodeon style sliming, as someone brilliantly suggested earlier, but there should be clarification and a penalty.

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