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Texas is an evil, evil place, Exhibit 63,005: "Emergency rooms refused to treat pregnant patients, leaving one woman to miscarry in a lobby restroom"

And just so there could be no doubt Cotton specified that he thought they ought to be thrown off of bridges and have their skin torn off and so forth.

Cotton has what you might call a zest for the murder of US citizens. For example, he wrote an op-ed in our increasingly fascist-friendly paper of record, The New York Times, calling for summary public military execution of the thousands of protesters against police brutality.

Pro tip: When you attack someone over their background, that's bigotry.

Nobody chooses their background and it doesn't matter.

So if someone's claiming that your background should be concealed because it's "provocative", they're siding with the bigots.

#politics #bigotry #antisemitism

It truly is as if we're living in two different nations: one where people understand the reality that more guns results in more gun violence, and one where state legislatures ignore the lessons provided by the rest of the civilized world and bow down to the well-founded gun lobby, giving their fear-addled constituents the toys of violence they demand.

ABC: Two shootings, two different responses — Maine restricts guns while Iowa arms teachers

@jgkoomey @mrchrisadams
Personally, I don't think that enough Americans speak about how horrible Chief Justice Roberts and his crooked wife are especially since how clear the damage to us and the world Citizens United SCOTUS has caused.

In 2018, Akron-based FirstEnergy donated $2.5 million to a Republican Governors Association-affiliated dark money group backing GOP nominee Mike DeWine in a competitive race for Ohio governor, according to newly released records.

Tennessee State Troopers remove gun reform activist Allison Polidor from the House Gallery at the Tennessee State Capitol building after Speaker of the House, Republican Cameron Sexton, ordered the gallery cleared, she was detained and later cited. Gun reform activists gathered to protest HB1202 which would authorize teachers, principals, and school personnel to carry a concealed handgun on school grounds in Nashville, Tennessee. REUTERS/Seth Herald


Happy 27th anniversary to Winamp!

The first version of ⚡Winamp⚡ was released as freeware on April 21st, 1997!

Winamp, it really whips the llama's ass!

3/ And via Eric Swalwell:

MAGA would rather help a rapist become a father than a family seeking to use IVF.

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This is not the election to make political statements or purity tests. #VoteBlueUpAndDown

Pritzker says it’s ‘throwing away’ votes if Democrats backed someone other than Biden

2/ Hoooboy, it gets even worse. Via Burgess Everett

👀 More GOP Rep. Gonzales: "Look, Matt Gaetz, he paid minors to have sex with him at drug parties, Bob Good endorsed my opponent, a known neo-Nazi. These people used to walk around with white hoods at night, now they are walking around with white hoods in the daytime”

GOP Rep. Tony Gonzales, umm, not mincing words on CNN as he predicts Mike Johnson will survive motion to vacate

“I serve with some real scumbags”

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Yeah, I'm mostly a Mac kinda guy, but I do use Windows. My raging hatred of intrusive advertising has made me seek out and destroy the ads and nags increasingly making their way into software - particularly something as fundamental an operating system. Microsoft is increasingly dumping ads into Windows, so I sought ways to shut them down. To Microsoft's credit, you can turn most of them off. Here's how.

Ugly URL = Gift link.

LMAO at all the coverage and commentary talking about Mike Johnson’s political “bravery.”

Thinking the coverage should be more tilted towards how foolishly the MAGAt idiots let MTG carry them this far down the rabbit hole.

But every story needs a villian. Just wish we had smarter ones and smarter coverage of them.


Was this meant to be amusing? It’s not. It’s disrespectful. It isn’t any funnier than the thugs who knock the headcoverings off the Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn.

So @GottaLaff just coined #DefendantSleepyFlopSweatMcBrainSpurs for #TFG and I think we all have a civic duty to make that hashtag trend. I humbly ask you to boost this message and use that hashtag as often as possible.

@KathyLK I think there are lots of answers to that question. One big answer is that, early on, men seem to have grabbed power in many of the world's religious traditions and to have then created religious teachings that justify their dominance by pointing to "God."

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