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“U.S. military has shot down Iranian drone aircraft headed toward Israel on Saturday, three U.S. officials said, without disclosing how many drones were shot down or the precise locations.“

Iran's mission to the UN states its attack on Israel is consistent with Article 51 of the UN Charter and warns the Israelis that if they "make another mistake" then its response "will be considerably more severe." The statement adds this is a conflict between Iran and Israel and the US "must stay away!"

Keshet 12 (Israel) - US and UK warplanes have shot down some of the Iranian explosive drones head for Israel over the Iraq-Syria border area.

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Bia Jerusalem Post: Unconfirmed reports that #US, #UK, and #Israel aircraft are already shooting down #Iran drones in Syria and Jordan

#Ukraine is fighting a battle so we don't have to. We must stand with them as allies and send them the aid they need to stop #Putin from going further. #PassUkraineAidNow #DemCast

Wasn't he cheering when Trump bombed Iran's most popular general?

Well, maybe not publicly because he was in jail then, but it's so hypocritical of them that did so much to stir up Iranian anti-USA sentiment to now use how Biden responds to their attacks against us and our ally as a political cudgel. Disappointing, but not at all surprising sadly.

Also everyone, don't forget Iran has been responsible for the death of five U.S. soldiers and 50 civilians since October 7th.

@GottaLaff Recall when Obama said 'A pretty sizable percentage of world leaders are just completely out of their mind'. It's 100% in the middle east.

Via Kyle Griffin:

Donald #Trump just attacked Michael Cohen by name online in what could be a direct violation of Judge Merchan's gag order.


Drones headed for Israel. As if we needed another actor involved.

@VisualStuart @LaNaehForaday @rjblaskiewicz
What I'm most interested to see from this NY criminal trial is what will the judge try to do if the jury finds him guilty of first degree fraud.

I think that he's proven that he's a danger to society so that a good case could be made for him to be locked up while he appeals the verdict/case. Of course that "feels" like a long-shot, but I still think it should be discussed as a possibility.

“Iran has begun an airborne attack against Israel.” - White House NSC

Let me get this straight

Republicans' take on gender is "you can't force your beliefs on me! I get to define what gender is for myself!"

Then what is this?

HB111: The Alabama GOP forcing their beliefs of what "male" and "female" is on others

I guess you want to teach your children up what gender is before you force them to give birth then send them to work a double



You guys still didn’t get it. It’s not a choice between supporting or not supporting Ukraine.

It’s a choice between fighting Russia yourself or with money. And it’s not indefinite, if Ukraine loses you will have to fight.

Not because you want to. But because there’s only one kind of invitation you cannot say no to: “let’s go outside”.

France is smart: they are already discussing reinstating general military service. They are preparing. You should too. 1/2

#ukraine #war #nato #us #ww3 #eu

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