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When will they care as much about actual children?!

Frozen embryos are ‘children,’ Alabama Supreme Court rules in couples’ wrongful death suits -

The gloves are off Rashida Tlaib has gone way over the top" her standing in front of a Michigan polling station urging voters not to vote #POTUS instead vote uncommitted against the president of your own party is a sickness I've NEVER seen in politics in my life Tlaib unAmerican action has now exposed her 4 the terrorist fraud she is, we're at War with our democracy hanging by strings and a GOP FASCIST party pushing us too autocracy Friends) this is unforgivable & Michigan voters shld be pissed

I am angry with Snooty the tonight. The little bastard got up on my shoulder and managed to pull off the earring back to my conch. I found the back that he yanked off, but not the front. Fortunately, I have a loop that fits, but who knows whether it will stay in all night, or how comfortable it might (not) be. Grrrrr.

All the Dachaus must remain standing.

The Dachaus, the Belsens, the Buchenwalds, the Auschwitzes -all of them. They must remain standing because they are a monument to a moment in time when some men decided to turn the earth into a graveyard, into it they shoveled all of their reason, their logic, their knowledge, but worst of all their conscience.

And the moment we forget this, the moment we cease to be haunted by its rememberance. Then we become the grave diggers.

It’s 52 degrees here today, but that’s cold for us in the wimpy south.

If you publicly defend Jewish people online, people will often assume that you are Jewish. Standing up for Jews is that alien of a concept for some people.


So here is how I read this. I believe Trump has just in past days DECIDED he will not pay

He won't appeal. He won't pay. He will let them come at him. And then we will find out, he is not worth the $540, and he goes bankrupt

I predict Trump bankruptcy. I make my call today


What if Judge Cannon had been taking bribes from Trumpo? Her HUSBAND is a mobster!!

Trump appointed her to the bench AFTER Trump had been voted out of office!

What if Trump HAS been paying her, and suddenly STOPPED? Because Trump ran out of money

Would explain her ruling...


Soc, I am more concerned about the harm that they have done to female reproductive health care, totally without thought. Making adoption reasonable is but one of the things that they did not think far enough ahead to be concerned about!

Not considering or not caring about the actual results of any of their actions is the hallmark of Republicanism!


And then that APPEAL TO SCOTUS on the civil trial immunity! What the actual fuck. His appeal buys VALUABLE TIME for at least weeks, possibly 6 months, possibly a YEAR: on ALL CIVIL suits coming after Trump. He will lose, but that would buy him time


(he is out of $)


Let's let Golden Showers - sorry, didn't mean to say that, Golden Sneakers - wait a mo

And look at 4 OTHER changes almost simultaneously. Trump had held his tongue on E Jean Carroll obediently for two Scaramuccis. Yesterday he was at her again. Trump KNOWS she will take MUCH MORE

Via Kyle Griffin:

The Department of Education has announced a new proposed rule that would allow one-time automatic student debt relief for borrowers who have an 80% chance or higher of defaulting on their loan in two years. #StudentDebt

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