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Apparently a bunch of states are filing amicus briefs backing up Trump's claim that the only reason the DOJ wants the trial to move quickly is because it's politically motivated.

No time to go through them, but one refers to the "breakneck pace" of the DOJ.

There are so many things wrong with that argument, I don't want to get started.

But you can see why Trump filed this. These prosecutions are firing up his supporters to fight for him.


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#NoRepublicansEverAgain #GOPTraitors #GOP #MikeJohnson #VoteBlue

A clearly angered President Joe Biden expressed outrage today at House Republicans for leaving on a nearly two-week vacation without passing legislation to fund Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, or humanitarian aid to Gaza and just ahead of a scheduled federal funding deadline of their own choosing that could result in a government shutdown.

Now, while we keep hitting [REFRESH] feverishly to hope to get to the Engoron decision

Defendant Donald Elvis Jesus Trump does not know what the number will be EITHER

And HE will lose it all today. Imgaine HIS level of frustration at this wait

I hope that cheers you up a bit :-)


“Putin killed Navalny. Let’s be crystal clear about that. … And why did he kill Navalny? Because Putin is weak. … Putin killed Navalny because Navalny was the one opposition leader in Russia that Putin feared the most.”

— Former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael @mcfaul

Update: Now >20 R states. Voting Rights are on the line & corrupt red🩸states join GA to challenge the state’s new congressional map enacted following the release of 2020 census data.:

"14 states (AL/FL/IN/IA/KS/LA/MS/MT/NE/ND/SC/TX/UT/WV) join GA's argument to cripple Sect. 2 of the VRA by prohibiting private litigants from bringing enforcement cases.

This is a real & immediate danger to voting rights for millions of minority voters."
-M Elias

#GOPSabotage #GOPRacism

#POTUS #Biden Says ‘#Putin Is Responsible’ for #Navalny’s Death

Biden said that there was “no doubt” that Putin’s govt was behind the death of #AlexeiNavalny.

“Make no mistake: Putin is responsible for Navalny’s death,” Biden said at a WH news conference, while acknowledging that the #UnitedStates still did not know details of what happened. “What has happened to Navalny is even more proof of Putin’s brutality. No one should be fooled.”


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KOSA would still let government decide what information can be shared online, would still require websites, apps and platforms to filter and block legal speech, and probably would still result in age verification requirements, EFF’s @jgkelley told @verge


Because the cruelty is the point. Republicans love children until that first breath outside the womb, then they couldn't care less.


- No border/asylum reform. Leave it a mess, blame everyone else
- No help for Ukraine. Keep adoring Putin
- No gun reform. More children shot, this time at a SB parade
- No budget. Government shutdown again in a few weeks
- No credibility. Key witness in Hunter case was lying

Then after all this they leave for vacation for 2 weeks

Just say no to #GOP incompetence this November

#vote2024 #vote #VoteBlue2024 #voteblue #voteBiden

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