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I have heard it said
that if someone
is wearing a mask
you can’t tell
who they really are
but I disagree
these days
when someone is
or is not
wearing a mask
they are showing you
exactly who they are.

@TonyStark I hope Hunter Biden files a defamation suit against Sean Hannity.

New York City: End Mayoral Control of the Schools! - The schools belong to the people and they should run them through and elected school board even in New York. via @dianeravitch #Democracy

@PattyHanson @FrankFrank nobody said a word about mike johnson saying he's never had a bank account

@JillWineBanks @POTUS Trump managed to stonewall and delay so long (at least on NY cases) that all of his legal woes are coming to a head at once.

I suspect this will be just the first of many, many days with momentus, and great, legal developments in Trump's trials. (Tomorrow alone we may have Engoron ruling, as well as potentially a ruling on the GA disqualification motions).

#News House centrists to unveil bipartisan border and aid deal for Ukraine and Israel

The confidential source at the center of allegations being promoted by House Republicans that President Biden accepted a bribe has been arrested and charged with making false statements to the FBI.

The authors of the dangerous Kids Online Safety Act (#KOSA) have amended it for 2024, and it remains a censorious and dangerous bill. We are asking everyone to demand that their representatives oppose it—even if they already have.

Just imagine if racist white parents were allowed to opt-out of black history lessons if they didn't want their kids exposed to the history of black America. This is just as offensive, and inexcusable as what Minnesota Republicans are pushing.

#MinnesotaBigotry #MinnesotaHate #GOPfascists #RepublicansAreTheProblem #Christofascists #ChristianNationalism #religionOfHate #ChristianIdiocy #UnderHisEye #Gilead

"Biden apparently suffers from the rare form of dementia that makes him more focused and disciplined as president than he ever was as vice president." -- @ser1897

Impossible to describe the rot of a party that spent years calling everyone "groomers" and then removed their own Speaker of the House for the first time in U.S. history because a GOP congressman was mad said Speaker didn't kill an ethics investigation into charges that said congressman raped a kid.

I heard that Roman's lawyer trying to disqualify the Fulton County prosecutor for sleeping with his colleague is sleeping with his colleague.

Hypocrisy with shamelessness is their superpower

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