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Defeating genocidal Hamas is noble, not genocide -

“He also described how difficult the fight is against Hamas. Spencer elaborated, saying that “no military in modern history has faced over 30,000 urban defenders in more than seven cities using human shields and hiding in hundreds of miles of underground networks purposely built under civilian sites while holding hundreds of hostages.” In addition, Hamas has fired approximately 15,000 rockets at civilian targets in Israel and continues to do so.”

#hamas #gaza

Simple point. Kansas City shooting.

The shooting lasted less than two minutes. There were HUNDREDS of armed and trained police officers ONSITE at this shooting.

And STILL 22 people were shot and 7 have life threatening injuries, with at least one person killed.

Clearly a “good guy with a gun” is NOT a solution to these mass shootings.

22 people shot at #SuperBowl Parade in #KansasCity:

2 have died.

20 people were injured, including 3 critical condition and 5 serious
12 children being treated at Children's Mercy Hospital

3 people were taken into custody.

Family members of Israeli hostages being held by Hamas in Gaza file complaints of war crimes against the group's leaders at the ICC in The Hague.

"“U.S. President Joe Biden issued a memorandum on Thursday requiring allies who receive military aid from the U.S. to provide ‘credible and reliable written assurances’ of their adherence to international law including international human rights law,” the Times of Israel reported. Israel will need to supply written assurances within 45 days or risk loss of aid."

#Israel #Gaza #Palestine #War #HumanRights #Biden #USA #News #WorldNews

If they ask you
why you are masked today
tell them that it’s because
you forgot
to buy them flowers
or order them chocolates
so you’re wearing it
because you still wanted
to do something to show
that you care about them.


I assumed Jack Smith knew this would come about and had his response ready before Trump'a application was even filed.

Chess vs tiddlywinks.

President Biden, strolling out with the first lady to the White House North Lawn, was just asked by a reporter what he's giving up for Lent. He replied: "You guys."

have we tried calling guns "woke" yet? maybe that's how we get them banned

Via Elie Mystal:

As expected, Jack didn’t need a week.

Now we see if SCOTUS moves with the same urgency

Mueller, She Wrote:

BREAKING: #JackSmith has filed his opposition to trump's application for a stay with #SCOTUS over the immunity issue. As predicted, DoJ says trump FAILS to meet the standards for issuing a stay, nor can he overcome the public's interest in a speedy resolution. #legal #TrumpIndictment 1/...

I wouldn't expect it from that Trumper Mark Green, but I keep hoping that one of these Republicans deciding to retire because they've helped make Congress into a hostile work environment will go ahead and leave the GOP and make Hakeem Jeffries Speaker of the House so that we can have adults in charge again.

When will we ever grow tired of this and the NRA-owned GOP?

It's not my country and maybe our neighbours to the south will tell me to shut up and mind my own business. But I have to say this:

* Praying is meaningless. Voting for candidates who will act to implement gun control might be a thought, though.

* Citizens of many countries watch the same shows, play the same games, listen to the same music. And yet, we're not blowing one another away on the daily.

* It's the guns. It's not the "troubling times." It's the guns.


In his defense, American cops are really good at murdering unarmed citizens or listening to the dying screams of children while cowering in a hallway for an hour.

'Gun-loving' GOP governor reportedly seen 'running scared for his life' from mass shooting - Raw Story

Took my two and a cousin for ice cream to celebrate Valentine’s Day. They were so good! Even cleaned off the table when they were done.


👀 "#House Homeland Sec Chair Mark Green (R-Tenn.) won’t seek re-election"

Oh this is rich. Hey Green, GUESS WHO CALLS THE SHOTS IN THE HOUSE! Trump!

"There's also just the frustration of trying to get something done here..
This place is so broken & making a diff here is just you know, just it feels like a lot of a lot of something for nothing."

Green not ruling out a future bid for higher office, but is currently working to get Trump elected in November."

#Wyden Reveals Phone #Data Used to Target #Abortion Misinformation at Visitors to Hundreds of Reproductive Health Clinics - "Congress Must Act to Ensure Private Location Data Is Not Used By Extremist Prosecutors To Prosecute Women" #privacy

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