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The #settlers will not be allowed to send #money to the #UnitedStates or have anyone act on their behalf. The order also prevents any American from contributing money, goods or services to those sanctioned.

The financial #sanctions follow an announcement in early Dec restricting US #visas for people believed to have been involved in #settler #violence, as well as their immediate family members. Neither those restrictions, nor the sanctions announced on Wed affect the many US citizen settlers.

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“Like other fundamentals of #Israeli life, many of the preconceptions about #women in #combat were upended on Oct. 7 […]

“In the months since, the needs of the #military have propelled societal change at breakneck speed. Same-sex partners of slain #soldiers are now legally recognized widows and widowers, and at least one #transgender soldier has fought on the front in #Gaza.” #GiftArticle #israel #lgbt

Pressed by Moms for Liberty, Florida school district adds clothing to illustrations in classic children's books

Sen #ChuckGrassley (R)criticized the measure, which nonpartisan estimates say could lift 400k #children out of #poverty, because it could help #Biden’s #reelection campaign. He said he would evaluate the bill after the #House vote.

Sen #MittRomney (R),who supported previous #ChildTaxCredit expansions, called the new #legislation “excessive”& said it would turn into “another entitlement program which is massively expensive.”

(#entitlement = #Republican speak for #LowIncomeFamily programs)


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#House votes to expand #ChildTaxCredit, beef up #CorporateTaxBreaks

The bill passed the House by a vote of 357 to 70. It would expand eligibility for the #child #tax credit among the lowest-income #families & adjust payments for #inflation for the 2024 & 2025 filing years.
#law #taxes #LowIncomeFamilies #ChildPoverty #poverty

EVERY media mention of border deal being torpedoed by congressional Republicans needs to include this phrase at the end:

“Because Trump told them to.”

What’s for dinner tonight? White wine and (locally sourced) mushroom risotto.

Sen. Dusty Deevers' bill would ban sexting, even between consenting non-married adults. I wish these folks would get therapy

@carstenfranke I am shocked we can live in the same time period and think so differently. I can assure you, in my country, if a Danish member of parliament started bringing up bible quotes as an argument for legislation, she would be laughed out of the room, and on her way out, someone would shout “Separation of church and state — look it up!”

Is Trump illegally using his campaign money to pay his personal legal fees?

THIS is the question investigative journalists should be asking right now.

I'm looking for scholarly research on archetypes/taxonomies/characterization of open source governance models.

There are several models out there: Benevolent Dictator for Life (BDL), Technical Steering Council/Committee (TSC), loosely defined meritocratic lazy consensus... And would love to read some deep analysis on those. Any pointers are appreciated.

Please boost for reach 🙏🏼

Arizona school vouchers cost taxpayers more per student, but Republicans say they don’t
The Republicans in charge of the Arizona Department of Education and the state Senate say that the state’s school voucher program saves taxpayers money, and that any statements to the contrary are myths - but the numbers say something different.
#Tucson #Arizona

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