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#Trump urged Iowans to vote for him in the Republian caucus at the expense of their health.

“[Even} if you’re sick as a dog and you say ‘darling I can’t make it…’
“Even if you vote and then pass away it’s worth it.”

This is the same guy that sabotaged efforts to fight COVID-19.

Trump doesn't care about you. Or anyone. He's a sociopath. Don't let him be president again.

@colo_lee Right now every ounce of energy should be focused on getting Biden elected and keeping as many Dems in Congress as we can and getting more. @ncoca @GreenFire @TonyStark @72mz @ArenaCops

"Many are saying that Dan Marburger is a hero, as he put himself directly into harm’s way in an attempt to stop or limit the violence. I agree. But I also find it striking that his cause of death is the same as that which ended the lives of many of our soldiers in military combat, and who we also call heroes." Rest in power. #Perry #Iowa

This has always been the GOP's strategy:

1) Cut taxes for the rich by claiming they'll pay for themselves.

2) Explode the deficit.

3) Demand cuts to essential safety nets.

4) Threaten to shut down the government.

5) Repeat.

They're trying to get away with it again.

US pol 

For several months, one of the people running in the primary for the open seat in the US Senate for California has been sending me emails about our "shared Jewish values".

This started quite early on my journey towards joining the tribe. I certainly did not tell the American Democratic Party that I was considering becoming Jewish.

I wrote to the campaign and asked for the source of their information (and their position on data privacy) and received no reply.

I had recently started following a bunch of twitter accounts like @jewwhohasitall and several other Jewish accounts, so I do think Twitter was the mostly likely source of this metadata, which they sold and which either included my voting state or was compared to other data to uncover this.

Which means, essentially, that Elon Musk has a list of Anglophone Jews and roughly where they live.

Passionate, misunderstood shark struggles to show affection with humans, often using too much teeth in his kisses.


I guess this is how #Apple does #layoffs these days.

First they require in-person #returnToOffice, then they relocate business units from one location to another, and force those who can’t uproot their lives to leave.

The Apple location in #SanDiego isn’t going away. But they intentionally forced 121 people to choose between moving to #Austin, or lose their jobs. Make no mistake, this is a layoff.

Never mind the fact that #Texas is hostile to anyone with a uterus, or is not cishet—why the hell anyone would move *to* that state? If anything, Apple should be shutting down their Austin office, and paying for people to relocate to a state that better ensures their safety.

“Apple to Shutter 121-Person San Diego AI Team in Reorganization”

Unpaywalled link:

Evangelicals prove they are the most gullible humans on the planet by replacing their fictional Jesus sky wizard with crooked Nazi #Trump.

No wonder they eat dog food and send their welfare checks to filthy rich hucksters and pretend billionaire Trump.

‘Ordained by God’: Trump’s legal problems galvanize Iowa evangelicals

Sweet noodle kugel. Raisins, yes or no?

🇬🇧UK: "Life expectancy across the UK has fallen to its lowest level in a decade, mainly owing to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, data shows."

#COVID19UK #COVIDisNotOver @auscovid19


Greg Abbott should be up on charges.

On top of kidnapping charges for him and DeSantis , for abducting and bussing migrants to other cities without warning.

#humanrights #immigration #gregabbott #border

Sweet noodle kugel. Raisins, yes or no?

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